BIO Assignment Week 5

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Assignment for Week 5
Structure Analysis

< Assignment 4 Assignment 6 >

Note! This assignment is currently inactive. Major and minor unannounced changes may be made at any time.


Concepts and activities (and reading, if applicable) for this assignment will be topics on next week's quiz.

From A1:

  • install the molecular graphics viewer UCSF Chimera[1] on your own computer, work through a tutorial on its use and begin practicing the skill of viewing split-screen stereographic scenes without aids;

Molecular graphics

A molecular viewer is a program that takes protein structure data and allows you to display and explore it. For a number of reasons, I chose to use the UCSF Chimera viewer for this course.

UCSF Chimera


  • Access the Chimera page.
  • Install the program as per the instructions in the section: "Installing Chimera".
  • Access the Chimera User's Guide tutorial section. The "Getting Started" tutorial is offered in two versions: one for work with the graphical user interface (GUI), i.e. the usual system of windows and drop-down menu selections. The other is a command-line version for the same. What is the difference? In general, GUI interfaces (Menu version) are well suited for beginners who are not yet familiar with all the options. Having the commands and alternatives presented on a menu makes first steps very easy through simple selection of keywords. On the other hand, work from command line interfaces is much faster and more flexible if you know what you are doing and thus much better suited for the experienced user. It is also quite straightforward to execute series of commands in stored scripts, allowing you to automate tasks. For now, we will stay with the menu version but we will use commands later in the course and you are of course welcome to explore.
  • Work through the Chimera tutorial Getting Started - Menu version, Part 1.

Stereo vision


Access the Stereo Vision tutorial and practice viewing molecular structures in stereo.

Practice at least ...

  • two times daily,
  • for 3-5 minutes each session,

Keep up your practice throughout the course. Stereo viewing will be required in the final exam, but more importantly, it is a wonderful skill that will greatly support any activity of yours related to structural molecular biology. Practice with different molecules and try out different colours and renderings.

Note: do not go through your practice sessions mechanically. If you are not making any progress with stereo vision, contact me so we can help you on the right track.

from A2;

Structure search

The search options in the PDB structure database are as sophisticated as those at the NCBI. For now, we will try a simple keyword search to get us started.


  1. Visit the RCSB PDB website at
  2. Briefly orient yourself regarding the database contents and its information offerings and services.
  3. Enter Mbp1 into the search field.
  4. In your journal, note down the PDB IDs for the three Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mbp1 transcription factor structures your search has retrieved.
  5. Click on one of the entries and explore the information and services linked from that page.



In this task we will explore the sequence interface of Chimera, use it to select specific parts of a molecule, and colour specific regions (or residues) of a molecule separately.



  1. Open Chimera.
  2. One of the three yeast Mbp1 fragment structures has the PDB ID 1BM8. Load it in Chimera (simply enter the ID into the appropriate field of the FileFetch by ID... window).
  3. Display the protein in PresetsInteractive 1 mode and familiarize yourself with its topology of helices and strands.
  4. Open the sequence tool: ToolsSequenceSequence. You will see the sequence for each chain - here there is only one chain. By default, coloured rectangles overlay the secondary structure elements of the sequence.
  5. Hover the mouse over some residues and note that the sequence number and chain is shown at the bottom of the window.
  6. Click/drag one residue to select it. (Simply a click wont work, you need to drag a little bit for the selection to catch on.) Note that the residue gets a green overlay in the sequence window, as it also gets selected with a green border in the graphics window.
  7. In the bottom of the sequence window, there are instructions how to select (multiple) regions. Try this: colour the protein white (SelectSelect All; ActionsColorlight gray). Clear the selection. Now select all the helical regions (pale yellow boxes) by click/dragging and using the shift key. Color them red. Then select all the strands by clicking into any of the pale green boxes and color them green.
  8. Finally, generate a stereo-view that shows the molecule well, in which the domain is coloured dark grey, and the APSES domain residues (as defined in the FASTA listing above, from I19 to Y93) are coloured with a colour ramp (ToolsDepictionRainbow)[2]
  9. Show the first and last residue's CA atom[3] as a sphere and colour the first one blue (to mark the N-terminus) and the last one red. E.g.:
    1. SelectAtom specifier:4@CA
    2. ActionsRibbonhide
    3. ActionsAtoms/bondsshow
    4. ActionsAtoms/bondssphere
    5. ActionsColorcornflower blue
    6. Then click on the selection inspector (the green button with the magnifying glass at the lower right of the graphics window) and set the sphere radius to 1.0Å.
  10. Save the image in your Wiki journal in JPEG format (FileSave Image and upload it to the Student Wiki).


Stereo vision


Continue with your stereo practice.

Practice at least ...

  • two times daily,
  • for 3-5 minutes each session.
  • Measure your interocular distance and your fusion distance as explained here on the Student Wiki and add it to the table.

Keep up your practice throughout the course. Once again: do not go through your practice sessions mechanically. If you are not making constant progress in your practice sessions, contact me so we can help you on the right track.

Modeling small molecules (optional)

As an optional part of the assignment, here is a small tutorial for modeling and visualizing "small-molecule" structures.

Defining a molecule

A number of public repositories make small molecule information available, such as PubChem at the NCBI, the ligand collection at the PDB, the ChEBI database at the European Bioinformatics Institute, or the NCI database browser at the US National Cancer Institute. One general way to export topology information from these services is to use SMILES strings—a shorthand notation for the composition and topology of chemical compounds.


  1. Access each of the databases mentioned above.
  2. Enter "caffeine" as a search term.
  3. Explore the contents of the result, in particular note and copy the SMILES string for the compound.

Alternatively, you can sketch your own compound. Versions of Peter Ertl's Java Molecular Editor (JME) are offered on several websites (e.g. click on Transfer to Java Editor on a NCI results page), and PubChem offers this functionality via its Sketcher tool.


  1. Navigate to PubChem.
  2. Follow the link to Chemical structure search (in the right hand menu).
  3. Click on the 3D conformer tab and on the Launch button to launch the molecular editor in its own window.
  4. Sketch the structure of caffeine. I find the editor quite intuitive but if you need help, just use the Help button in the editor.
  5. Save the SMILES string of your compound.
  6. Also Export your result in SMILES format as a file.

Translating SMILES to structure

Online services exist to translate SMILES to (idealized) coordinates.


  1. Access the online SMILES translation service at the NCI.
  2. Paste a caffeine SMILES string into the form, choose the PDB radio button, click on Translate and download your file.
  3. Load the molecule in Chimera.

Chimera also has a function to translate SMILES to coordinates.


  1. In Chimera:
    1. FileClose Session.
    2. ToolsStructure EditingBuild Structure.
    3. Select SMILES string, paste the string and click Apply.
  2. The caffeine molecule will be generated and visualized in the graphics window.

Links and resources



Footnotes and references

  1. * Previous versions of this course have used the VMD molecular viewer. Material on this is still available at the VMD page.
  2. The Rainbow tool can only create color ramps for an entire molecule. In order to achieve this effect: color the molecule with a color ramp, then select the APSES domain, then invert the selection and color the new selection dark grey.
  3. See here for details of the specification syntax.


Ask, if things don't work for you!

If anything about the assignment is not clear to you, please ask on the mailing list. You can be certain that others will have had similar problems. Success comes from joining the conversation.

< Assignment 4 Assignment 6 >