BIO Assignment Week 6

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Assignment for Week 6

< Assignment 5 Assignment 7 >

Note! This assignment is currently inactive. Major and minor unannounced changes may be made at any time.


Concepts and activities (and reading, if applicable) for this assignment will be topics on next week's quiz.




In this assignment we will first download a number of APSES domain containing sequences into our database - and we will automate the process. Then we will annotate them with domain data. First manually, and then again, we will automate this. Next we will extract the APSES domains from our database according to the annotations. And finally we will align them, and visualize domain conservation in the 3D model to study parts of the protein that are conserved.


Downloading Protein Data From the Web

In Assignment 3 we created a schema for a local protein sequence collection, and implemented it as an R list. We added sequences to this database by hand, but since the information should be cross-referenced and available based on a protein's RefSeq ID, we should really have a function that automates this process. It is far too easy to make mistakes and enter erroneous information otherwise.

Work through the following code examples.

# To begin, we load some libraries with functions
# we need...

# httr sends and receives information via the http
# protocol, just like a Web browser.
if (!require(httr, quietly=TRUE)) { 

# NCBI's eUtils send information in XML format; we
# need to be able to parse XML.
if (!require(XML, quietly=TRUE)) {

# stringr has a number of useful utility functions
# to work with strings. E.g. a function that
# strips leading and trailing whitespace from
# strings.
if (!require(stringr, quietly=TRUE)) {

# We will walk through the process with the refSeqID
# of yeast Mbp1
refSeqID <- "NP_010227"

# UniProt.
# The UniProt ID mapping service supports a "RESTful
# API": responses can be obtained simply via a Web-
# browsers request. Such requests are commonly sent
# via the GET or POST verbs that a Webserver responds
# to, when a client asks for data. GET requests are 
# visible in the URL of the request; POST requests
# are not directly visible, they are commonly used
# to send the contents of forms, or when transmitting
# larger, complex data items. The UniProt ID mapping
# sevice can accept long lists of IDs, thus using the
# POST mechanism makes sense.

# R has a POST() function as part of the httr package.

# It's very straightforward to use: just define the URL
# of the server and send a list of items as the 
# body of the request.

# uniProt ID mapping service
URL <- ""
response <- POST(URL, 
                 body = list(from = "P_REFSEQ_AC",
                             to = "ACC",
                             format = "tab",
                             query = refSeqID))


# If the query is successful, tabbed text is returned.
# and we capture the fourth element as the requested
# mapped ID.
unlist(strsplit(content(response), "\\s+"))

# If the query can't be fulfilled because of a problem
# with the server, a WebPage is rturned. But the server status
# is also returned and we can check the status code. I have
# lately gotten many "503" status codes: Server Not Available...

if (response$status_code == 200) { # 200: oK
	uniProtID <- unlist(strsplit(content(response), "\\s+"))[4]
	if ( {
	warning(paste("UniProt ID mapping service returned NA.",
	              "Check your RefSeqID."))
} else {
	uniProtID <- NA
	warning(paste("No uniProt ID mapping available:",
	              "server returned status",

uniProtID  # Let's see what we got...
           # This should be "P39678"
           # (or NA if the query failed)

Next, we'll retrieve data from the various NCBI databases.

It is has become unreasonably difficult to screenscrape the NCBI site since the actual page contents are dynamically loaded via AJAX. This may be intentional, or just overengineering. While NCBI offers a subset of their data via the eutils API and that works well enough, some of the data that is available to the Web browser's eyes is not served to a program.

The eutils API returns data in XML format. Have a look at the following URL in your browser to see what that looks like:

# In order to parse such data, we need tools from the 
# XML package. 

# First we build a query URL...
eUtilsBase <- ""

# Then we assemble an URL that will search for get the
# unique, NCBI internal identifier,  the GI number,
# for our refSeqID...
URL <- paste(eUtilsBase,
             "esearch.fcgi?",     # ...using the esearch program
                                  # that finds an entry in an
                                  # NCBI database
             "&term=", refSeqID,
# Copy the URL and paste it into your browser to see
# what the response should look like.

# To fetch a response in R, we use the function htmlParse()
# with our URL as its argument.
response <- htmlParse(URL)

# This is XML. We can take the response apart into
# its indvidual components with the xmlToList function.


# Note how the XML "tree" is represented as a list of
# lists of lists ...
# If we know exactly what elelement we are looking for,
# we can extract it from this structure:

# But this is not very robus, it would break with the
# slightest change that the NCBI makes to their response
# and the NCBI changes things A LOT!

# Somewhat more robust is to specify the type of element
# we want - its the text contained in an <id>...</id>
# elelement, and use the XPath XML parsing language to
# retrieve it.

# getNodeSet() lets us fetch tagged contents by 
# applying toString.XMLNode() to it...

node <- getNodeSet(response, "//id/text()")
unlist(lapply(node, toString.XMLNode))  # "6320147 "

# We will be doing this a lot, so we write a function
# for it...
node2string <- function(doc, tag) {
    # an extractor function for the contents of elements
    # between given tags in an XML response.
    # Contents of all matching elements is returned in
    # a vector of strings.
	path <- paste("//", tag, "/text()", sep="")
	nodes <- getNodeSet(doc, path)
	return(unlist(lapply(nodes, toString.XMLNode)))

# using node2string() ...
GID <- node2string(response, "id")

# The GI is the pivot for all our data requests at the
# NCBI. 

# Let's first get the associated data for this GI
URL <- paste(eUtilsBase,
response <- htmlParse(URL)

taxID <- node2string(response, "taxid")
organism <- node2string(response, "organism")

# Next, fetch the actual sequence
URL <- paste(eUtilsBase,
response <- htmlParse(URL)

fasta <- node2string(response, "p")

seq <- unlist(strsplit(fasta, "\\n"))[-1] # Drop the first elelment,
                                          # it is the FASTA header.

# Next, fetch the crossreference to the NCBI Gene
# database
URL <- paste(eUtilsBase,
response <- htmlParse(URL)

geneID <- node2string(response, "linksetdb/id")

# ... and the actual Gene record:
URL <- paste(eUtilsBase,
response <- htmlParse(URL)

name <- node2string(response, "name")
genome_xref <- node2string(response, "chraccver")
genome_from <- node2string(response, "chrstart")[1]
genome_to <- node2string(response, "chrstop")[1]

# So far so good. But since we need to do this a lot
# we need to roll all of this into a function. 

# I have added the function to the dbUtilities code
# so you can update it easily.

# Run:


# If that is successful, try these three testcases

myNewDB <- createDB()
tmp <- fetchProteinData("NP_010227") # Mbp1p
myNewDB <- addToDB(myNewDB, tmp)

tmp <- fetchProteinData("NP_011036") # Swi4p
myNewDB <- addToDB(myNewDB, tmp)

tmp <- fetchProteinData("NP_012881") # Phd1p
myNewDB <- addToDB(myNewDB, tmp)

This new fetchProteinData() function seems to be quite convenient. I have compiled a set of APSES domain proteins for ten fungi species and loaded the 48 protein's data into an R database in a few minutes. This "reference database" will be automatically loaded for you with the next dbUtilities update. Note that it will be recreated every time you start up R. This means two things: (i) if you break something in the reference database, it's not a problem. (ii) if you store your own data in it, it will be lost. In order to add your own genes, you need to make a working copy for yourself.

Computer literacy

Digression - some musings on computer literacy and code engineering.

It's really useful to get into a consistent habit of giving your files a meaningful name. The name should include something that tells you what the file contains, and something that tells you the date or version. I give versions major and minor numbers, and - knowing how much things always change - I write major version numbers with a leading zero eg. 04 so that they will be correctly sorted by name in a directory listing. The same goes for dates: always write YYYY-MM-DD to ensure proper sorting.

On the topic of versions: creating the database with its data structures and the functions that operate on them is an ongoing process, and changes in one part of the code may have important consequences for another part. Imagine I made a poor choice of a column name early on: changing that would need to be done in every single function of the code that reads or writes or analyzes data. Once the code reaches a certain level of complexity, organizing it well is just as important as writing it in the first place. In the new update of dbUtilities.R, a database has a $version element, and every function checks that the database version matches the version for which the function was written. Obviously, this also means the developer must provide tools to migrate contents from an older version to a newer version. And since migrating can run into trouble and leave all data in an inconsistent and unfixable state, it's a good time to remind you to back up important data frequently. Of course you will want to save your database once you've done any significant work with it. And you will especially want to save the databases you create for your Term Project. But you should also (and perhaps more importantly) save the script that you use to create the database in the first place. And on that note: when was the last time you made a full backup of your computer's hard-drive? Too long ago? I thought so.

Backup your hard-drive now.

If your last backup at the time of next week's quiz was less than two days ago, you will receive a 0.5 mark bonus.

New Database

Here is some sample code to work with the new database, enter new protein data for YFO, save it and load it again when needed.

# You don't need to load the reference database refDB. If
# everything is set up correctly, it gets loaded at startup.
# (Just so you know: you can turn off that behaviour if you
# ever should want to...)

# First you need to load the newest version of dbUtilities.R


# If you get an error: 
#    Error: could not find function "updateDButilities"
# ... then it seems you didn't do the previous update.

# Try getting the update with the new key but the previous function:
# updateDbUtilities()
# If that function is not found either, confirm that your ~/.Rprofile
# actually loads dbUtilites.R from your project directory. 

# As a desperate last resort, you could uncomment
# the following piece of code and run the update
# without verification...
# URL <- ""
# download.file(URL, paste(PROJECTDIR, "dbUtilities.R", sep="")), method="auto")
# source(paste(PROJECTDIR, "dbUtilities.R", sep=""))
# But be cautious: there is no verification. You yourself need
# to satisfy yourself that this "file from the internet" is what 
# it should be, before source()'ing it...

# After the file has been source()'d,  refDB exists.

# check the contents of refDB:

# list refSeqIDs for saccharomyces cerevisiae genes.
refDB$protein[refDB$protein$taxID == 559292, "refSeqID"]

# To add some genes from YFO, I proceed as follows.
# Obviously, you need to adapt this to your YFO
# and the sequences in YFO that you have found
# with your PSI-BLAST search.

# Let's assume my YFO is the fly agaric (amanita muscaria)
# and its APSES domain proteins have the following IDs
# (these are not refSeq btw. and thus unlikely
# to be found in UniProt) ...
# KIL68212
# KIL69256
# KIL65817

# First, I create a copy of the database with a name that
# I will recognize to be associated with my YFO.
amamuDB <- refDB

# Then I fetch my protein data ...
tmp1 <- fetchProteinData("KIL68212")
tmp2 <- fetchProteinData("KIL69256")
tmp3 <- fetchProteinData("KIL65817")

# ... and if I am satisfied that it contains what I
# want, I add it to the database.
amamuDB <- addToDB(amamuDB, tmp1)
amamuDB <- addToDB(amamuDB, tmp2)
amamuDB <- addToDB(amamuDB, tmp3)

# Then I make a local backup copy. Note the filename and
# version number  :-)
save(amamuDB, file="amamuDB.01.RData")

# Now I can explore my new database ...
amamuDB$protein[amamuDB$protein$taxID == 946122, "refSeqID"]

# ... but if anything goes wrong, for example 
# if I make a mistake in checking which
# rows contain taxID 946122 ... 
amamuDB$protein$taxID = 946122

# Ooops ... what did I just do wrong?
#       ... wnat happened instead? 


# ... I can simply recover from my backup copy:



Create your own version of the protein database by adding all the genes from YFO that you have discovered with the PSI-BLAST search for the APSES domain. Save it.





Footnotes and references


Ask, if things don't work for you!

If anything about the assignment is not clear to you, please ask on the mailing list. You can be certain that others will have had similar problems. Success comes from joining the conversation.

< Assignment 5 Assignment 7 >