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In this case, there are no indels and therefore no hyphens - in your case there may be.
===Creating an Ankyrin domain alignment===
APSES domains are relatively easy to identify and annotate but we have had problems with the ankyrin domains in Mbp1 homologues. Both CDD as well as SMART have identified such domains, but while the domain model was based on the same Pfam profile for both, and both annotated approximately the same regions, the details of the alignments and the extent of the predicted region was different.
[http://www.yeastgenome.org/cgi-bin/locus.fpl?locus=mbp1 Mbp1] forms heterodimeric complexes with a homologue, [http://www.yeastgenome.org/cgi-bin/locus.fpl?locus=swi6 Swi6]. Swi6 does not have an APSES domain, thus it does not bind DNA. But it is similar to Mbp1 in the region spanning the ankyrin domains and in 1999 [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10048928 Foord ''et al.''] published its crystal structure ([http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/cgi/explore.cgi?pdbId=1SW6 1SW6]). This structure is a good model for Ankyrin repeats in Mbp1. For details, please refer to the consolidated [[Reference annotation yeast Mbp1|Mbp1 annotation page]] I have prepared.
In what follows, we will use the program JALVIEW - a Java based multiple sequence alignment editor to load and align sequences and to consider structural similarity between yeast Mbp1 and its closest homologue in your organism.
In this part of the assignment,
#You will load sequences that are most similar to Mbp1 into an MSA editor;
#You will add sequences of ankyrin domain models;
#You will perform a multiple sequence alignment;
#You will try to improve the alignment manually;
<!-- Finally you will consider if the Mbp1 APSES domains could extend beyond the section of homology with Swi6 -->
===Jalview, loading sequences===
Geoff Barton's lab in Dundee has developed an integrated MSA editor and sequence annotation workbench with a number of very useful functions. It is written in Java and should run on Mac, Linux and Windows platforms without modifications.
{{#pmid: 19151095}}
We will use this tool for this assignment and explore its features as we go along.
#Navigate to the [http://www.jalview.org/ Jalview homepage] click on '''Download''', install Jalview on your computer and start it. A number of windows that showcase the program's abilities will load, you can close these.
#Prepare homologous Mbp1 sequences for alignment:
##Open the '''[[Reference Mbp1 orthologues (all fungi)]]''' page. (This is the list of Mbp1 orthologs I mentioned above.)
##Copy the FASTA sequences of the reference proteins, paste them into a text file (TextEdit on the Mac, Notepad on Windows) and save the file; you could give it an extension of <code>.fa</code>&ndash;but you don't have to.
##Check whether the sequence for YFO is included in the list. If it is, fine. If it is not, retrieve it from NCBI, paste it into the file and edit the header like the other sequences. If the wrong sequence from YFO is included, replace it and let me know.
#Return to Jalview and select File &rarr; Input Alignment &rarr; from File and open your file. A window with sequences should appear.
#Copy the sequences for ankyrin domain models (below), click on the Jalview window, select File &rarr; Add sequences &rarr; from Textbox and paste them into the Jalview textbox. Paste two separate copies of the CD00204 consensus sequence and one copy of 1SW6.
##When all the sequences are present, click on '''Add'''.
Jalview now displays all the sequences, but of course this is not yet an alignment.
;Ankyrin domain models
>CD00204 ankyrin repeat consensus sequence from CDD
>1SW6 from PDB - unstructured loops replaced with xxxx
===Computing alignments===
try two MSA's algorithms and load them in Jalview.
Locally: which one do you prefer? Modify the consensus. Annotate domains.
The EBI has a very convenient [http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/msa/ page to access a number of MSA algorithms]. This is especially convenient when you want to compare, e.g. T-Coffee and Muscle and MAFFT results to see which regions of your alignment are robust. You could use any of these tools, just paste your sequences into a Webform, download the results and load into Jalview. Easy.
But even easier is to calculate the alignments directly from Jalview.  available. (Not today. <small>Bummer.</small>)
No. Claculate an external alignment and import.
;Calculate a MAFFT alignment using the Jalview Web service option:
#In Jalview, select '''Web Service &rarr; Alignment &rarr; MAFFT with defaults...'''. The alignment is calculated in a few minutes and displayed in a new window.
;Calculate a MAFFT alignment when the Jalview Web service is NOT available:
#In Jalview, select '''File &rarr; Output to Textbox &rarr; FASTA'''
#Copy the sequences.
#Navigate to the [http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/msa/mafft/ '''MAFFT Input form'''] at the EBI.
#Paste your sequences into the form.
#Click on '''Submit'''.
#Close the Jalview sequence window and either save your MAFFT alignment to file and load in Jalview, or simply ''''File &rarr; Input Alignment &rarr; from Textbox''', paste and click '''New Window'''.
In any case, you should now have an alignment.
#Choose '''Colour &rarr; Hydrophobicity''' and '''&rarr; by Conservation'''. Then adjust the slider left or right to see which columns are highly conserved. You will notice that the Swi6 sequence that was supposed to align only to the ankyrin domains was in fact aligned to other parts of the sequence as well. This is one part of the MSA that we will have to correct manually and a common problem when aligning sequences of different lengths.
===Editing ankyrin domain alignments===
A '''good''' MSA comprises only columns of residues that play similar roles in the proteins' mechanism and/or that evolve in a comparable structural context. Since the alignment reflects the result of biological selection and conservation, it has relatively few indels and the indels it has are usually not placed into elements of secondary structure or into functional motifs. The contiguous features annotated for Mbp1 are expected to be left intact by a good alignment.
A '''poor''' MSA has many errors in its columns; these contain residues that actually have different functions or structural roles, even though they may look similar according to a (pairwise!) scoring matrix. A poor MSA also may have introduced indels in biologically irrelevant positions, to maximize spurious sequence similarities. Some of the features annotated for Mbp1 will be disrupted in a poor alignment and residues that are conserved may be placed into different columns.
Often errors or inconsistencies are easy to spot, and manually editing an MSA is not generally frowned upon, even though this is not a strictly objective procedure. The main goal of manual editing is to make an alignment biologically more plausible. Most comonly this means to mimize the number of rare evolutionary events that the alignment suggests and/or to emphasize conservation of known functional motifs. Here are some examples for what one might aim for in manually editing an alignment:
;Reduce number of indels
From a Probcons alignment:
0447_DEBHA    ILKTE-K<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">-</span>T<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">---</span>K--SVVK      ILKTE----KTK---SVVK
9978_GIBZE    MLGLN<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">-</span>PGLKEIT--HSIT      MLGLNPGLKEIT---HSIT
1513_CANAL    ILKTE-K<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">-</span>I<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">---</span>K--NVVK      ILKTE----KIK---NVVK
6132_SCHPO    ELDDI-I<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">-</span>ESGDY--ENVD      ELDDI-IESGDY---ENVD
1244_ASPFU    ----N<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">-</span>PGLREIC--HSIT  -&gt;  ----NPGLREIC---HSIT
0925_USTMA    LVKTC<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">-</span>PALDPHI--TKLK      LVKTCPALDPHI---TKLK
2599_ASPTE    VLDAN<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">-</span>PGLREIS--HSIT      VLDANPGLREIS---HSIT
<small>Gaps marked in red were moved. The sequence similarity in the alignment does not change considerably, however the total number of indels in this excerpt is reduced to 13 from the original 22</small>
;Move indels to more plausible position
From a CLUSTAL alignment:
4966_CANGL    MKHEKVQ------GGYGRFQ---GTW      MKHEKV<span style="color: rgb(0, 170, 0);">Q</span>------GGYGRFQ---GTW
1513_CANAL    KIKNVVK------VGSMNLK---GVW      KIKNVV<span style="color: rgb(0, 170, 0);">K</span>------VGSMNLK---GVW
6132_SCHPO    VDSKHP<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">-</span>----------<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">Q</span>ID---GVW  -&gt;  VDSKHP<span style="color: rgb(0, 170, 0);">Q</span>-----------ID---GVW
1244_ASPFU    EICHSIT------GGALAAQ---GYW      EICHSI<span style="color: rgb(0, 170, 0);">T</span>------GGALAAQ---GYW
<small>The two characters marked in red were swapped. This does not change the number of indels but places the "Q" into a a column in which it is more highly conserved (green). Progressive alignments are especially prone to this type of error.</small>
;Conserve motifs
From a CLUSTAL alignment:
6166_SCHPO      --DKR<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">V</span>A---<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">G</span>LWVPP      --DKR<span style="color: rgb(0, 255, 0);">V</span>A--<span style="color: rgb(0, 255, 0);">G</span>-LWVPP
XBP1_SACCE      GGYIK<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">I</span>Q---<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">G</span>TWLPM      GGYIK<span style="color: rgb(0, 255, 0);">I</span>Q--<span style="color: rgb(0, 255, 0);">G</span>-TWLPM
6355_ASPTE      --DE<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">I</span>A<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">G</span>---NVWISP  -&gt;  ---DE<span style="color: rgb(0, 255, 0);">I</span>A--<span style="color: rgb(0, 255, 0);">G</span>NVWISP
5262_KLULA      GGYIK<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">I</span>Q---<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">G</span>TWLPY      GGYIK<span style="color: rgb(0, 255, 0);">I</span>Q--<span style="color: rgb(0, 255, 0);">G</span>-TWLPY
<small>The first of the two residues marked in red is a conserved, solvent exposed hydrophobic residue that may mediate domain interactions. The second residue is the conserved glycine in a beta turn that cannot be mutated without structural disruption. Changing the position of a gap and insertion in one sequence improves the conservation of both motifs.</small>
The Ankyrin domains are quite highly diverged, the boundaries not well defined and not even CDD, SMART and SAS agree on the precise annotations. We expect there to be alignment errors in this region. Nevertheless we would hope that a good alignment would recognize homology in that region and that ideally the required <i>indels</i> would be placed between the secondary structure elements, not in their middle. But judging from the sequence alignment alone, we cannot judge where the secondary structure elements ought to be. You should therefore add the following "sequence" to the alignment; it contains exactly as many characters as the Swi6 sequence above and annotates the secondary structure elements. I have derived it from the 1SW6 structure
>SecStruc 1SW6 E: strand  t: turn  H: helix  _: irregular
<div class="reference-box">[http://www.ebi.ac.uk/thornton-srv/databases/cgi-bin/pdbsum/GetPage.pl?pdbcode=1sw6&template=protein.html&r=wiring&l=1&chain=A '''1SW6_A''' at the PDBSum database of structure annotations] You can compare the diagram there with this text string.</div>
To proceed:
#Manually align the Swi6 sequence with yeast Mbp1
#Bring the Secondary structure annotation into its correct alignment with Swi6
#Bring both CDD ankyrin profiles into the correct alignment with yeast Mbp1
Proceed along the following steps:
#Add the secondary structure annotation to the sequence alignment in Jalview. Copy the annotation, select File &rarr; Add sequences &rarr; from Textbox and paste the sequence.
#Select Help &rarr; Documentation and read about '''Editing Alignments''', '''Cursor Mode''' and '''Key strokes'''.
#Click on the yeast Mbp1 sequence '''row''' to select the entire row. Then use the cursor key to move that sequence down, so it is directly above the 1SW6 sequence. Select the row of 1SW6 and use shift/mouse to move the sequence elements and edit the alignment to match yeast Mbp1. Refer to the alignment given in the [[Reference annotation yeast Mbp1|Mbp1 annotation page]] for the correct alignment.
#Align the secondary structure elements with the 1SW6 sequence: Every character of 1SW6 should be matched with either E, t, H, or _. The result should be similar to the [[Reference annotation yeast Mbp1|Mbp1 annotation page]]. If you need to insert gaps into all sequences in the alignment, simply drag your mouse over all row headers - movement of sequences is constrained to selected regions, the rest is locked into place to prevent inadvertent misalignments. Remember to save your project from time to time: '''File &rarr; save''' so you can reload a previous state if anything goes wrong and can't be fixed with '''Edit &rarr; Undo'''.
#Finally align the two CD00204 consensus sequences to their correct positions (again, refer to the [[Reference annotation yeast Mbp1|Mbp1 annotation page]]).
#You can now consider the principles stated above and see if you can improve the alignment, for example by moving indels out of regions of secondary structure if that is possible without changing the character of the aligned columns significantly. Select blocks within which to work to leave the remaining alignment unchanged. So that this does not become tedious, you can restrict your editing to one Ankyrin repeat that is structurally defined in Swi6. You may want to open the 1SW6 structure in VMD to define the boundaries of one such repeat. You can copy and paste sections from Jalview into your assignment for documentation or export sections of the alignment to HTML (see the example below).
=== Editing ankyrin domain alignments - Sample===
This sample was created by
# Editing the alignments as described above;
# Copying a block of aligned sequence;
# Pasting it To New Alignment;
# Colouring the residues by Hydrophobicity and setting the colour saturation according to Conservation;
# Choosing File &rarr; Export Image &rarr; HTML and pasting the resulting HTML source into this Wikipage.
<table border="1"><tr><td>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td colspan="6"></td>
<td colspan="9">10<br>|</td><td></td>
<td colspan="9">20<br>|</td><td></td>
<td colspan="9">30<br>|</td><td></td>
<td colspan="3"></td><td colspan="3">40<br>|</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_USTMA/341-368&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#f3eef9">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeef">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd8d8">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbeef1">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#d3c2ee">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7adb3">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#ccaddf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ecc2d5">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#adadff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1B_SCHCO/470-498&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#f3eef9">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7d8e0">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeef">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7adb3">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#b0adfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffc2c2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#adadff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcc2c4">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_ASHGO/465-494&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2eefa">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#f3eef9">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffeeee">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd8d8">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#efc2d0">C</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#e6d8f0">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#d3c2ee">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7adb3">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#b3adf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffc2c2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e5adc6">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_CLALU/550-586&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd8d8">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#edadbd">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#b3adf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffc2c2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#c6ade5">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBPA_COPCI/514-542&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbeef1">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdd8da">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeef">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffadad">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#b0adfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffc2c2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#adadff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcc2c4">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_DEBHA/507-550&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffeeee">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd8d8">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffc2c2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#edadbd">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#b3adf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffc2c2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbadaf">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#c6ade5">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeef">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1A_SCHCO/388-415&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#f3eef9">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2eefa">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeef">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdd8da">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbeef1">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7adb3">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#ccaddf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ecc2d5">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#adadff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#efc2d0">C</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_AJECA/374-403&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeef">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2eefa">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2eefa">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffeeee">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#e6d8f0">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d8c2e8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7adb3">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#adadff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#faeef2">C</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_PARBR/380-409&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeef">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2eefa">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2eefa">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffeeee">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeef">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#e6d8f0">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d8c2e8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7adb3">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#adadff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#faeef2">C</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_NEOFI/363-392&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#faeef2">C</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffeeee">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeef">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#e6d8f0">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#faeef2">C</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d8c2e8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7adb3">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcc2c4">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#adadff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_ASPNI/365-394&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbeef1">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2eefa">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeee">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeef">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#e6d8f0">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#faeef2">C</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d8c2e8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeee">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbadaf">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7adb3">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcc2c4">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#adadff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeee">V</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_UNCRE/377-406&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#f3eef9">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2eefa">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeee">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeef">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2d8e5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d8c2e8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7adb3">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#adadff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#faeef2">C</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_PENCH/439-468&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#faeef2">C</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffeeee">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#e6d8f0">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#faeef2">C</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbadaf">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7adb3">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcc2c4">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#adadff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBPA_TRIVE/407-436&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbeef1">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2eefa">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffeeee">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeef">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#e6d8f0">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7adb3">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#adadff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#faeef2">C</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_PHANO/400-429&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef9">W</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffeeee">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2eefa">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeee">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffadad">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#e5adc6">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffc2c2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#adadff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBPA_SCLSC/294-313&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffc2c2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffadad">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#b3adf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffc2c2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#adadff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBPA_PYRIS/363-392&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef9">W</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffeeee">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2eefa">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeee">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffadad">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#e5adc6">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffc2c2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#adadff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_/361-390&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeef">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7d8e0">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#f3d8e4">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7adb3">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#b3adf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffc2c2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7adb3">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#adadff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#d8c2e8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_ASPFL/328-364&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2eefa">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeee">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7d8e0">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd8d8">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeef">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7adb3">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#b0adfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9c2c7">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#adadff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBPA_MAGOR/375-404&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2eefa">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbeef1">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeee">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbadaf">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#b3adf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9c2c7">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#b0adfa">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2c2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_CHAGL/361-390&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeef">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbadaf">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#b3adf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9c2c7">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e5adc6">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2c2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_PODAN/372-401&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2eefa">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeee">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7adb3">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#b3adf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9c2c7">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#adadff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcc2c4">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_LACTH/458-487&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2eefa">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#f3eef9">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffeeee">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd8d8">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbadaf">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#b3adf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9c2c7">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#b0adfa">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_FILNE/433-460&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#f3eef9">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2eefa">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeef">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdd8da">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd8d8">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbeef1">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7adb3">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#ccaddf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffc2c2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#adadff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_KLULA/477-506&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2eefa">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#f3eef9">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffeeee">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeee">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd8d8">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d8c2e8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#d3c2ee">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7adb3">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#b3adf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5c2ec">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#ccaddf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_SCHST/468-501&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2eefa">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd8d8">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d8c2e8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#edadbd">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#b3adf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffc2c2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#eaadc0">C</td>
<td bgcolor="#caade0">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#b3adf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeef">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_SACCE/496-525&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2eefa">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#f3eef9">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffeeee">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeef">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef8">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2c2ff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebc2d5">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7adb3">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#b3adf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffc2c2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#caade0">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#adadff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">CD00204/1-19&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#d8d8ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#d3c2ee">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7adb3">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#b3adf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9c2c7">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#caade0">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">CD00204/99-118&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdd8da">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2c2ff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#d8d8ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#d3c2ee">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7adb3">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#b3adf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9c2c7">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#adadff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">1SW6/203-232&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#fdeeef">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeeff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef9">W</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffeeee">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffeeee">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f3d8e4">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd8db">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9eef3">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5c2fb">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d8c2e8">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#cfaddc">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#dad8fd">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#efc2d0">C</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7adb3">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#b0adfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffc2c2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4adc7">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#adadff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9c2c7">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4eef7">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#eeeefe">N</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">SecStruc/203-232&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#f5eef6">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#efeefd">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#ead8ed">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#ead8ed">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#ead8ed">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#f5eef6">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#f5eef6">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#dec2e3">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#d9c2e7">t</td>
<td bgcolor="#f5eef6">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2add8">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#ead8ed">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#dec2e3">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#c7c2f9">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#b3adf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#b3adf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#c7c2f9">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#b3adf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#b3adf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#b3adf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#c7c2f9">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#f5eef6">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#f5eef6">_</td>
;Aligned sequences before editing. The algorithm has placed gaps into the Swi6 helix <code>LKWIIAN</code> and the four-residue gaps before the block of well aligned sequence on the right are poorly supported.
<table border="1"><tr><td>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td colspan="6"></td>
<td colspan="9">10<br>|</td><td></td>
<td colspan="9">20<br>|</td><td></td>
<td colspan="9">30<br>|</td><td></td>
<td colspan="3"></td><td colspan="3">40<br>|</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_USTMA/341-368&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#dfd2f0">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd2d5">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffbfbf">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f5d2db">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2abe8">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#f699a1">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#bf99d7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e5abc5">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#9999ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1B_SCHCO/470-498&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#dfd2f0">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2bfcc">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd2d5">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f699a1">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#9d99f9">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffabab">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#9999ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcabae">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_ASHGO/465-494&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#ded2f2">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#dfd2f0">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd2d2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ed">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffbfbf">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#eaabbf">C</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#d6bfe7">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2abe8">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#f699a1">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#a199f6">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffabab">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#df99b8">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_CLALU/550-586&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2bfcc">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e999ad">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#a199f6">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffabab">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#b899df">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2df">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBPA_COPCI/514-542&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#f5d2db">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcbfc1">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd2d5">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#ff9999">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#9d99f9">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffabab">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#9999ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcabae">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_DEBHA/507-550&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd2d2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2bfcc">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffbfbf">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffabab">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e999ad">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#a199f6">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffabab">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#fb999c">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#b899df">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd2d5">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1A_SCHCO/388-415&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#dfd2f0">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#ded2f2">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd2d5">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcbfc1">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f5d2db">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f699a1">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#bf99d7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e5abc5">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#9999ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#eaabbf">C</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_AJECA/374-403&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd2d5">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#ded2f2">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#ded2f2">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd2d2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2df">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#d6bfe7">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#caabe0">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f699a1">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#9999ff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4d2dc">C</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_PARBR/380-409&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd2d5">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#ded2f2">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#ded2f2">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd2d2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd2d5">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#d6bfe7">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#caabe0">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f699a1">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#9999ff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4d2dc">C</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_NEOFI/363-392&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4d2dc">C</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd2d2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd2d5">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#d6bfe7">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4d2dc">C</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#caabe0">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f699a1">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcabae">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#9999ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_ASPNI/365-394&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#f5d2db">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#ded2f2">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcd2d3">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd2d5">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#d6bfe7">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4d2dc">C</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#caabe0">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcd2d3">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#fb999c">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#f699a1">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcabae">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#9999ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcd2d3">V</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_UNCRE/377-406&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#dfd2f0">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#ded2f2">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcd2d3">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd2d5">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#eabfd3">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#caabe0">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f699a1">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#9999ff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4d2dc">C</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_PENCH/439-468&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4d2dc">C</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd2d2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2df">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#d6bfe7">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4d2dc">C</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#fb999c">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#f699a1">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcabae">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#9999ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBPA_TRIVE/407-436&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#f5d2db">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#ded2f2">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd2d2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd2d5">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#d6bfe7">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f699a1">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#9999ff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#f4d2dc">C</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_PHANO/400-429&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ef">W</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd2d2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#ded2f2">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcd2d3">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ed">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#ff9999">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#df99b8">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffabab">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#9999ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBPA_SCLSC/294-313&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffabab">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#ff9999">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#a199f6">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffabab">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#9999ff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBPA_PYRIS/363-392&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ef">W</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd2d2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#ded2f2">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcd2d3">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ed">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#ff9999">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#df99b8">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffabab">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#9999ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_/361-390&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd2d5">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcd2d3">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd2d5">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2bfcc">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebbfd3">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ed">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f699a1">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#a199f6">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffabab">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#f699a1">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#9999ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#caabe0">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_ASPFL/328-364&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#ded2f2">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcd2d3">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd2d2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ed">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffbfbf">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcbfc1">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd2d5">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f699a1">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#9d99f9">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7abb2">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#9999ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBPA_MAGOR/375-404&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#ded2f2">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f5d2db">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcd2d3">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#fb999c">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#a199f6">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7abb2">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#9d99f9">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#ababff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_CHAGL/361-390&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd2d5">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#fb999c">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#a199f6">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7abb2">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#df99b8">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#ababff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_PODAN/372-401&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#ded2f2">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcd2d3">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f699a1">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#a199f6">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7abb2">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#9999ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcabae">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_LACTH/458-487&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#ded2f2">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#dfd2f0">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd2d2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffbfbf">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#fb999c">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#a199f6">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7abb2">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#9d99f9">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_FILNE/433-460&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#dfd2f0">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#ded2f2">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd2d5">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcbfc1">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffbfbf">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f5d2db">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f699a1">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#bf99d7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffabab">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#9999ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_KLULA/477-506&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ed">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#ded2f2">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#dfd2f0">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd2d2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcd2d3">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffbfbf">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#caabe0">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2abe8">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#f699a1">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#a199f6">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#c5abe5">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#bf99d7">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_SCHST/468-501&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#ded2f2">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#f2bfcc">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffbfbf">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#caabe0">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#e999ad">F</td>
<td bgcolor="#a199f6">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffabab">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#e699b1">C</td>
<td bgcolor="#be99d9">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#a199f6">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd2d5">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">MBP1_SACCE/496-525&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ee">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#ded2f2">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#dfd2f0">Y</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd2d2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd2d5">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ed">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#ababff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#e3abc6">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#f699a1">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#a199f6">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffabab">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#be99d9">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#9999ff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">CD00204/1-19&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">E</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#bfbfff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2abe8">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#f699a1">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#a199f6">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7abb2">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#be99d9">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">CD00204/99-118&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#fcbfc1">V</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#ababff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#bfbfff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2abe8">P</td>
<td bgcolor="#f699a1">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#a199f6">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7abb2">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#9999ff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">1SW6/203-232&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#fbd2d5">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2d2ff">K</td>
<td bgcolor="#e2d2ef">W</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd2d2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffd2d2">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#ebbfd3">M</td>
<td bgcolor="#f9bfc4">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#f0d2e0">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">Q</td>
<td bgcolor="#afabfa">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#caabe0">S</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#c399d4">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#c2bffc">D</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">T</td>
<td bgcolor="#eaabbf">C</td>
<td bgcolor="#f699a1">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#9d99f9">N</td>
<td bgcolor="#ffabab">I</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#dd99b9">A</td>
<td bgcolor="#9999ff">R</td>
<td bgcolor="#f7abb2">L</td>
<td bgcolor="#e4d2ec">G</td>
<td bgcolor="#d4d2fc">N</td>
<tr><td nowrap="nowrap">SecStruc/203-232&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
<td bgcolor="#e6d2e9">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#d5d2fb">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#dcbfe1">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#dcbfe1">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#dcbfe1">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#e6d2e9">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#e6d2e9">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2abd8">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#cbabdf">t</td>
<td bgcolor="#e6d2e9">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#c799cf">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#dcbfe1">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#d2abd8">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#b2abf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#a199f6">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#a199f6">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#b2abf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#a199f6">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#a199f6">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#a199f6">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#b2abf7">H</td>
<td bgcolor="#e6d2e9">_</td>
<td bgcolor="#e6d2e9">_</td>
;Aligned sequence after editing. A significant cleanup of the frayed region is possible. Now there is only one insertion event, and it is placed into the loop that connects two helices of the 1SW6 structure.
===Final analysis===
* Compare the distribution of indels in the ankyrin repeat regions of your alignments.
**'''Review''' whether the indels in this region are concentrated in segments that connect the helices, or if they are more or less evenly distributed along the entire region of similarity.
**Think about whether the assertion that ''indels should not be placed in elements of secondary structure'' has merit in your alignment.
**Recognize that an indel in an element of secondary structure could be interpreted in a number of different ways:
*** The alignment is correct, the annotation is correct too: the indel is tolerated in that particular case, for example by extending the length of an &alpha;-helix or &beta;-strand;
*** The alignment algorithm has made an error, the structural annotation is correct: the indel should be moved a few residues;
*** The alignment is correct, the structural annotation is wrong, this is not a secondary structure element after all;
*** Both the algorithm and the annotation are probably wrong, but we have no data to improve the situation.
(<small>NB: remember that the structural annotations have been made for the yeast protein and might have turned out differently for the other proteins...</small>)
You should be able to analyse discrepancies between annotation and expectation in a structured and systematic way. In particular if you notice indels that have been placed into an '''annotated''' region of secondary structure, you should be able to comment on whether the location of the indel has strong support from aligned sequence motifs, or whether the indel could possibly be moved into a different location without much loss in alignment quality.
*Considering the whole alignment and your experience with editing, you should be able to state whether the position of indels relative to structural features of the ankyrin domains in your organism's Mbp1 protein is reliable. That would be the result of this task, in which you combine multiple sequence and structural information.  
*You can also critically evaluate database information that you have encountered:
# Navigate to the [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/cdd/wrpsb.cgi?INPUT_TYPE=precalc&SEQUENCE=6320147 '''CDD annotation'''] for yeast Mbp1.
# You can check the precise alignment boundaries of the ankyrin domains by clicking on the (+) icon to the left of the matching domain definition.
# Confirm that CDD extends the ankyrin domain annotation beyond the 1SW6 domain boundaries. Given your assessment of conservation in the region beyond the structural annotation:  do you think that extending the annotation is reasonable also in YFO's protein? Is there evidence for this in the alignment of the CD00204 consensus with well aligned blocks of sequence beyond the positions that match Swi6?
==Homology model==
==Homology model==
The alignment defines the residue by residue relationship between '''target''' and '''template''' sequence. All we need to do now is to change every residue of the template to the target sequence
Line 3,978: Line 446:
Access the Swissmodel server at '''http://swissmodel.expasy.org''' and click on '''Start Modelling'''. Then, under the '''Supported Inputs''', click on '''Target-Template Alignment'''.
Access the Swissmodel server at '''http://swissmodel.expasy.org''' and click on the '''Start Modelling''' button. Under the '''Supported Inputs''', choose '''Target-Template Alignment'''.
*Paste your alignment for target and model into the form field. Click on the question mark next to "Supported Inputs" if you are not sure about the format. SwissModel will analyse the sequences and ask you to identify target and template. The YFO sequence is your target. The 1BM8 sequence is the template.
*Paste the aligned sequences of the YFO target and the 1BM8 template into the form field. SwissModel will analyse the sequences and ask you to identify target and template. The YFO sequence is your target. The 1BM8 sequence is the template.
* Click '''Validate Target Template Alignment''' and check that the returned alignment is correct. All non-identical residues are shown in light-grey.
*Click '''Build Model''' to start the modeling process. This will take about a minute or so.
* Click '''Validate Target Template Alignment''' and check that the returned alignment is correct.
* The resulting page returns information about the resulting model and its quality. You can rotate the model in the window on the right with the mouse. Regions that have a reddish hue have lower quality scores, i.e. they were harder to model or could not be modelled well with good geometry. Hovering the mouse over parts of the structure highlights the respective region of the sequence alignment.
*Click '''Build Model''' to start the modeling process.
*Mouse over the '''Model 01''' dropdown menu (under the icon of the template structure), and choose the '''PDB file'''. Note that the B-factor column of the coordinate section contains the QMEAN scores (between 0 and 1) that the server has calculated. Higher is better. Save the PDB file on your computer.
* The resulting page returns information about the resulting model. Mouse over the '''Model 01''', open the '''PDB file''' and save the coordinates to your computer. Read the information on what is being returned by the server (click on the question mark icon). Study the quality measures.
* Open the [http://swissmodel.expasy.org/docs/help SwissModel documentation] in a new tab. Read about the modelling process. there are a number of important technical details that help to understand what the computed coordinates of your model mean, you should pay special attention to the '''GQME''' and '''QMEAN''' quality scores.
* Also save:
* Also save:
Line 3,995: Line 467:
==Model analysis==
=== The PDB file ===
Open your '''model''' coordinates in a text-editor (make sure you view the PDB file in a fixed-width font (like "courier") so all the columns line up correctly) and consider the following questions:
*What is the residue number of the first residue in the '''model'''? What should it be, based on the alignment? If the putative DNA binding region was reported to be residues 50-74 in the Mbp1 protein, which residues of your '''model''' correspond to that region?
<!-- discuss flagging of loops - setting of B-factor to 99.0 phps. ANOLEA vs. Gromos ... packing vs. energy? -->
===R code: renumbering the model ===
As you have seen, SwissModel numbers the first residue "1" and does not keep the numbering of the template. We should renumber the model so we can compare the model and the template with the same residue numbers. Fortunately there is a very useful R package that will help us with that.
# Navigate to the [http://thegrantlab.org/bio3d/index.php '''bio3D'''] home page. '''bio3d''' is not available for installation via CRAN, but needs to be installed from source. Instructions for the different platforms are here http://thegrantlab.org/bio3d/tutorials/installing-bio3d Follow the instructions and install '''bio3d''' for '''R''' on your platform.
# Explore and execute the following '''R''' script. I am assuming that your model is in your working directory, change paths and filenames as required.
<source lang="rsplus">
# renumberPDB.R
# This is a simple renumbering script that uses the bio3D
# package. We simply set the first residue number to what it
# should be and renumber all residues based on the first one.
# The script assumes your input PDBfile is in your working
# directory.
# To run this, you must have installed the bio3D R package; instructions
# are here: http://thegrantlab.org/bio3d/tutorials/installing-bio3d
PDBin      <- "YFO_model.pdb"
PDBout    <- "YFO_model_ren.pdb"
first <- 4  # residue number that the first residue should have
# ================================================
#    Read coordinate file
# ================================================
# read PDB file using bio3D function read.pdb()
pdb  <- read.pdb(PDBin) # read the PDB file into a list
pdb            # examine the information
pdb$atom[1,]  # get information for the first atom
# you can explore ?read.pdb and study the examples.
# ================================================
#    Change residue numbers
# ================================================
resNum <- as.numeric(pdb$atom[,"resno"])  # get residue numbers for all atoms
resNum <- resNum + (first - resNum[1])        # calculate offset
pdb$atom[,"resno"] <- resNum            # replace old numbers with new
pdb$atom[1,]                                  # check result
# ================================================
#    Write output to file
# ================================================
# Done. Open the PDB file you have written in a text editor and confirm
# that this has worked.
===First visualization===
Since a homology model inherits its structural details from the '''template''', your model of the YFO sequence should look very similar to the original 1BM8 structure.
# Start Chimera and load the '''model''' coordinates that you have just renumbered.
# From the PDB, also load the '''template''' structure. (Use File &rarr; Fetch by ID ...)
# In the '''Favourites''' &rarr; '''Model Panel''' window you can switch between the two molecules.
# Hide the ribbon and choose '''backbone only &rarr; full'''. You will note that the backbone of the two structures is virtually identical.
# Next, choose '''Actions &rarr; Atoms/Bonds &rarr; show''' to display display the two molecules in a stick style and note how the sidechains have been modeled. Note especially how sidechain coordinates have been guessed, where the template had shorter sidechains than the target. It may be more clear if you hide H-atoms: '''Select &rarr; Chemistry &rarr; Element &rarr; H''' and '''Actions &rarr; Atoms/Bonds &rarr; hide'''
# Display only residue 50 to 74 to focus on the putative helix-turn-helix domain. Choose '''Favourites &rarr; Sequence''', select the residues for one model, then '''Select &rarr; Invert (selected model)''' and '''Actions &rarr; Atoms/Bonds &rarr; hide'''.
# Study the result. A model of the HTH domain of YFO Mbp1.
==Coloring the model by energy ==
SwissModel calculates energies for each residue of the model with a molecular mechanics forcefield. The SwissModel modeling summary page contains a plot of these energies as a function of sequence number like. The values - between 0.0 and 1.0 - are stored in the PDB files B-factor field.
# Back in Chimera, use the model panel to '''close''' the 1BM8 structure.
# Choose '''Tools &rarr; Depiction &rarr; Render by attribute''' and select '''attributes of atoms''', '''Attribute: bfactor''', check '''color atoms''' and click '''OK'''.
# Study the result: It seems that residues in the core of the protein have better energies than residues at the surface. Why could that be the case?
Study the options of this window a bit, rendering by attribute is a powerful way to store and depict all manners of information with the molecule. Simply write a little R script that uses bio3D to replace the B-factor or occupancy values with any value you might be interested in: energies, conservation scores, information ... whatever. The rewnder this property to map it on the 3D structure of your molecule. If you want to experience with this a bit, you could apply the information scores from the previous assignment to your model, using a script that is easy to derive from the renumbering R-script you have studied above.
One of the really interesting questions we can discuss with reference to our homology model is how sequence variation might result in changed DNA recognition sites, and then lead to changed cognate DNA binding sequences. In order to address this, we would need to generate a plausible structural model for how DNA is bound to APSES domains.
Since there is currently no software available that would reliably model such a complex from first principles<ref>''Rosetta'' may get the structure approximately right, ''Autodock'' may get the complex approximately right, but the coordinate changes involved in induced fit makes the result unreliable - and we have no good way to validate whether the predicted complex is correct. </ref>, we will base a model of  a bound complex on homology modelling as well. This means we need to find a similar structure for which the position of bound DNA is known, then superimpose that structure with our model. This places the DNA molecule into the spatial context of the model we are studying. However, you may remember from the third assignment that the APSES domains in fungi seem to be a relatively small family. And there is no structure available of an APSES domain-DNA complex. How can we find a coordinate set of a structurally similar protein-DNA complex?
This assignment is based on the homology model you built. You will (1) identify similar structures of distantly related domains for which protein-DNA complexes are known, (2) assemble a hypothetical complex structure and (3) consider whether the available evidence allows you to distinguish between different modes of ligand binding,
==Modeling a DNA ligand==
===Finding a similar protein-DNA complex===
Remember that homologous sequences can have diverged to the point where their sequence similarity is no longer recognizable, however their structure may be quite well conserved. Thus if we could find similar structures in the PDB, these might provide us with some plausible hypotheses for how DNA is bound by APSES domains. We thus need a tool similar to BLAST, but not for the purpose of sequence alignment, but for structure alignment. A kind of BLAST for structures. Just like with sequence searches, we might not want to search with the entire protein, if we are interested in is a subdomain that binds to DNA. Attempting to match all structural elements in addition to the ones we are actually interested in is likely to make the search less specific - we would find false positives that are similar to some irrelevant part of our structure. However, defining too small of a subdomain would also lead to a loss of specificity: in the extreme it is easy to imagine that the search for e.g. a single helix would retrieve very many hits that would be quite meaningless.
At the '''NCBI''', [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/VAST/vast.shtml VAST] is provided as a search tool for structural similarity search.
# Navigate to the [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/VAST/vast.shtml '''VAST'''] search interface page.
# Enter <code>1bm8</code> as the PDB ID to search for and click '''Go'''.
# Follow the link to '''Related Structures'''.
# Study the result.
You will see that VAST finds more than 3,000 partially similar structures, but it would be almost impossibly tedious to manually search through the list for ''structures of protein DNA complexes'' that are ''similar to the interacting core of the APSES domain''. It turns out that our search is not specific enough in two ways: we have structural elements in our PDB file that are unnecessary for the question at hand, and thus cause the program to find irrelevant matches. But, if we constrain ourselves to just a single helix and strand (i.e. the 50-74 subdomain that has been implicated in DNA binding, the search will become too non-specific. Also we have no good way to retrieve functional information from these hits: which ones are DNA-binding proteins, that bind DNA through residues of this subdomain and for which the structure of a complex has been solved? It seems we need to define our question more precisely.
# Open VMD and load the 1BM8 structure or your YFO homology model.
# Display the backbone as a '''Trace''' (of CA atoms) and color by '''Index'''
# In the sequence viewer, highlight residues 50 to 74.
# In the representations window, find the yellow representation (with Color ID 4) that the sequence viewer has generated. Change the '''Drawing Method''' to '''NewCartoon'''.
# Now (using stereo), study the topology of the region. Focus on the helix at the N-terminus of the highlighted subdomain,  it is preceded by a turn and another helix. This first helix makes interactions with the beta hairpin at the C-terminal end of the subdomain and is thus important for the orientation of these elements. (This is what is referred to as a helix-turn-helix motif, or HtH motif, it is very common in DNA-binding proteins.)
# Holding the shift key in the alignment viewer, extend your selection until you cover all of the first helix, and the residues that contact the beta hairpin. I think that the first residue of interest here is residue 33.
# Again holding the shift key, extend the selection at the C-terminus to include the residues of the beta hairpin to where they contact the helix at the N-terminus. I think that the last residue of interest here is residue 79.
# Study the topology and arrangement of this compact subdomain. It contains the DNA-binding elements and probably most of the interactions that establish its three-dimensional shape. This subdomain even has a name: it is a ''winged helix'' DNA binding motif, a member of a very large family of DNA-binding domains. I have linked a review by Gajiwala and Burley to the end of this page; note that their definition of a canonical winged helix motif is a bit larger than what we have here, with an additional helix at the N-terminus and a second "wing".  )
Armed with this insight, we can attempt again to find meaningfully similar structures.  At the '''EBI''' there are a number of very well designed structure analysis tools linked off the [http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/structural.html '''Structural Analysis''' page]. As part of its MSD Services, [http://www.ebi.ac.uk/msd-srv/ssm/ '''PDBeFold'''] provides a convenient interface for structure searches for our purpose
# Navigate to the [http://www.ebi.ac.uk/msd-srv/ssm/ '''PDBeFold'''] search interface page.
# Enter <code>1bm8</code> for the '''PDB code''' and choose '''Select range''' from the drop down menu. Select the residues you have defined above<!-- Select Domain would be better but is currently broken :-( Secondary Structure elements 4 to 7 i.e. those elements that span the range you have previously defined.
# Note that you can enter the lowest acceptable match % separately for query and target. This means: what percentage of secondary structure elements would need to be matched in either query or target to produce a hit. Keep that value at 80 for our query, since we would want to find structures with almost all of the elements of the winged helix motif. Set the  match to 10 % for the target, since we are interested in such domains even if they happen to be small subdomains of large proteins.
# Keep the '''Precision''' at '''normal'''. Precision and % query match could be relaxed if we wanted to find more structures.
#  Finally click on: '''Submit your query'''.
# On the results page, click on the index number (in the left-hand column) of the top hit '''that is not one of our familiar Mbp1 structures''' to get a detailed view of the result. Most likely this is <code>1wq2:a</code>, an enzyme. Click on '''View Superposed'''. This will open a window with the structure coordinates superimposed in the Jmol molecular viewer. Control-click anywhere in the window area to open a menu of viewing options. Select '''Style &rarr; Stereographic &rarr; Wall-eyed viewing'''. Select '''Trace''' as the rendering. Then study the superposition. You will note that the secondary structure elements match quite well, but does this mean we have a DNA-binding domain in this sulfite reductase?
All in all this appears to be well engineered software! It gives you many options to access result details for further processing. I think this can be put to very good use. But for our problem, we would have to search through too many structures because, once again, we can't tell which ones of the hits are DNA binding domains, especially domains for which the structure of a complex has been solved.
[[Image:A5_Mbp1_subdomain.jpg|frame|none|Stereo-view of a subdomain within the 1MB1 structure that includes residues 36 to 76. The color gradient ramps from blue (36) to green (76) and the "wing" is clearly seen as the green pair of beta-strands, extending to the right of the helix-turn-helix motif.]]
APSES domains represent one branch of the tree of helix-turn-helix (HTH) DNA binding modules. (A review on HTH proteins is linked from the resources section at the bottom of this page). Winged Helix domains typically bind their cognate DNA with a "recognition helix" which precedes the beta hairpin and binds into the major groove; additional stabilizing interactions are provided by the edge of a beta-strand binding into the minor groove. This is good news: once we have determined that the APSES domain is actually an example of a larger group of transcription factors, we can compare our model to a structure of a protein-DNA complex. Superfamilies of such structural domains are compiled in the CATH database. Unfortunately CATH itself does not provide information about whether the structures have been determined as complexes. '''But''' we can search the PDB with CATH codes and restrict the results to complexes. Essentially, this should give us a list of all winged helix domains for which the structure of complexes with DNA have been determined. This works as follows:
* For reference, access [http://www.cathdb.info/superfamily/ CATH domain superfamily]; this is the CATH classification code we will use to find protein-DNA complexes. Click on '''Superfamily Superposition''' to get a sense of the structural core of the winged helix domain.
# Navigate to the [http://www.pdb.org/ PDB home page] and follow the link to [http://www.pdb.org/pdb/search/advSearch.do Advanced Search]
# In the options menu for '''Choose a Query Type''' select '''Structure Features &rarr; CATH Classification Browser'''. A window will open that allows you to navigate down through the CATH tree. You can view the Class/Architecture/Topology names on the CATH page linked above. Click on '''the triangle icons''' (not the text) for '''Mainly Alpha &rarr; Orthogonal Bundle &rarr; ARC repressor mutant, subunit A''' then click on the link to '''winged helix repressor DNA binding domain'''. Or, just enter "winged helix" into the search field. This subquery should match more than 550 coordinate entries.
# Click on the '''(+)''' button behind '''Add search criteria''' to add an additional query. Select the option '''Structure Features &rarr; Macromolecule type'''. In the option menus that pop up, select '''Contains Protein&rarr;Yes, Contains DNA&rarr;Yes, Contains RNA&rarr;Ignore, Contains DNA/RNA hybrid&rarr;Ignore'''. This selects files that contain Protein-DNA complexes.
# Check the box below this subquery to '''Remove Similar Sequences at 90% identity''' and click on '''Submit Query'''. This query should retrieve more than 100 complexes.
# Scroll down to the beginning of the list of PDB codes and locate the '''Reports''' menu. Under the heading '''View''' select '''Gallery'''. This is a fast way to obtain an overview of the structures that have been returned. Adjust the number of '''Results''' to see all 100 images and choose '''Options&rarr;Resize medium'''.
# Finally we have a set of winged-helix domain/DNA complexes, for comparison. Scroll through the gallery and study how the protein binds DNA.
First of all you may notice that in fact not all of the structures are really different, despite having requested only to retrieve dissimilar sequences, and not all images show DNA. This appears to be a deficiency of the algorithm. But you can also easily recognize how in most of the the structures the '''recognition helix inserts into the major groove of B-DNA''' (eg. 1BC8, 1CF7) and the wing - if clearly visible at all in the image - appears to make accessory interactions with the DNA backbone.. There is one exception: the structure 1DP7 shows how the human RFX1 protein binds DNA in a non-canonical way, through the beta-strands of the "wing". This is interesting since it suggests there is more than one way for winged helix domains to bind to DNA. We can therefore use structural superposition of '''your homology model''' and '''two of the winged-helix proteins''' to decide whether the canonical or the non-canonical mode of DNA binding seems to be more plausible for Mbp1 orthologues.
===Preparation and superposition of a canonical complex===
The structure we shall use as a reference for the '''canonical binding mode''' is the Elk-1 transcription factor.
[[Image:A5_canonical_wHTH.jpg|frame|none|Stereo-view of the canonical DNA binding mode of the Winged Helix domain family. Shown here is the Elk-1 transcription factor - an ETS DNA binding domain - in complex with a high-affinity binding site (1DUX). Note how the "recognition helix" inserts into the major groove of the DNA molecule. The color gradient ramps from blue (34) to green (84). Note how the first helix of the "helix-turn-helix" architecture serves only to position the recognition helix and makes few interactions by itself.]]
The 1DUX coordinate-file contains two protein domains and two B-DNA dimers in one asymmetric unit. For simplicity, you should delete the second copy of the complex from the PDB file. (Remember that PDB files are simply text files that can be edited.)
# Find the 1DUX structure in the image gallery and open the 1DUX structure explorer page in a separate window. Download the coordinates to your computer.
# Open the coordinate file in a text-editor (TextEdit or Notepad - '''NOT''' MS-Word!) and delete the coordinates for chains <code>D</code>,<code>E</code> and <code>F</code>; you may also delete all <code>HETATM</code> records and the <code>MASTER</code> record. Save the file with a different name, e.g. 1DUX_monomer.pdb .
# Open VMD and load your homology model. Turn off the axes, display the model as a Tube representation in stereo, and color it by Index. Then load your edited 1DUX file, display this coordinate set in a tube representation as well, and color it by ColorID in some color you like. It is important that you can distinguish easily which structure is which.
# You could use the Extensions&rarr;Analysis&rarr;RMSD calculator interface to superimpose the two strutcures '''IF''' you would know which residues correspond to each other. Sometimes it is useful to do exactly that: define exact correspondences between residue pairs and superimpose according to these selected pairs. For our purpose it is much simpler to use the Multiseq tool (and the structures are simple and small enough that the STAMP algorithm for structural alignment can define corresponding residue pairs automatically). Open the '''multiseq''' extension window, select the check-boxes next to both protein structures, and open the '''Tools&rarr;Stamp Structural Alignment''' interface.
# In the "'Stamp Alignment Options'" window, check the radio-button for ''Align the following ...'' '''Marked Structures''' and click on '''OK'''.
# In the '''Graphical Representations''' window, double-click on all "NewCartoon" representations for both molecules, to undisplay them.
# You should now see a superimposed tube model of your homology model and the 1DUX protein-DNA complex. You can explore it, display side-chains etc. and study some of the details of how a transcription factor recognizes and binds to its cognate DNA sequence. However, remember that your '''model''''s side-chain orientations have not been determined experimentally but inferred from the '''template''', and that the template's structure was determined in the absence of bound DNA ligand.
# Orient and scale your superimposed structures so that their structural similarity is apparent, and the recognition helix can be clearly seen inserting into the DNA major groove. You may want to keep a copy of the image for future reference. Consider which parts of the structure appear to superimpose best.  Note whether it is plausible that your '''model''' could bind a B-DNA double-helix in this orientation.
== Links and resources ==
{{#pmid: 22407712}}
===Preparation and superposition of a non-canonical complex===
:* [http://www.wwpdb.org/documentation/format23/v2.3.html '''PDB file format'''] (see the Coordinate Section if you are unsure about chain identifiers)
:* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structural_alignment Wikipedia on '''Structural Superposition'''] <small>(although the article is called "Structural Alignment")</small>
The structure displaying a non-canonical complex between a winged-helix domain and its cognate DNA binding site is the human Regulatory Factor X.
[[Image:A5_non-canonical_wHTH.jpg|frame|none|Stereo-view of a non-canonical wHTH-DNA complex, discovered in with the stucture of human Regulatory Factor X (hRFX) binding its cognate X-box DNA sequence (1DP7). Note how the helix that coresponds to the recognition helix in the canonical domain lies across the minor groove whereas the beta-"wing" inserts into the major groove. The color gradient ramps from blue (18) to green (68).]]
;Reference sequences
Before we can work with this however, we have to fix an annoying problem. If you download and view the <code>1DP7</code> structure in VMD, you will notice that there is only a single strand of DNA! Where is the second strand of the double helix? It is not in the coordinate file, because it happens to be exactly equivalent to the frist starnd, rotated around a two-fold axis of symmetry in the crystal lattice. We need to download and work with the so-called '''Biological Assembly''' instead.  But there is a problem related to the way the PDB stores replicates in biological assemblies. The PDB generates the additional chains as copies of the original and delineates them with <code>MODEL</code> and <code>ENDMDL</code> records, just like in a multi-structure NMR file. The chain IDs and the atom numbers are the same as the original. The PDB file thus contains the '''same molecule in two different orientations''', not '''two independent molecules'''. This is an important difference regarding how such molecules are displayed by VMD. '''If you try to use the biological unit file of the PDB, VMD does not recognize that there is a second molecule present and displays only one chain.''' And that looks exactly like the one we have seen before. We have to edit the file, extract the second DNA molecule, change its chain ID and then append it to the original 1DP7 structure<ref>My apologies if this is tedious. '''But''' in the real world, we encounter such problems a lot and I would be remiss not to use this opportunity to let you practice how to fix the issue that could otherwise be a roadblock in a project of yours.</ref>...
:* [[Reference Mbp1 orthologues (all fungi)|'''Mbp1 ortholog sequences (all fungi)''']]
# On the structure explorer page for 1DP7, select the option '''Download Files''' &rarr; '''PDB File'''.
# Also select the option '''Download Files''' &rarr; '''Biological Assembly'''.
# Uncompress the biological assembly file.
# Open the file in a text editor.
# Delete everything except the '''second DNA molecule'''. This comes after the <code>MODEL  2</code> line and has chain ID '''D'''. Keep the <code>TER</code> and <code>END</code> lines. Save this with a new filename (e.g. <code>1DP7_DNAonly.pdb</code>).
# Also delete all <code>HETATM</code> records for <code>HOH</code>, <code>PEG</code> and <code>EDO</code>, as well as the entire second protein chain and the <code>MASTER</code> record. The resulting file should only contain the DNA chain and its copy and one protein chain. Save the file with a new name, eg. <code>1DP7_BDNA.PDB</code>.
# Use a similar procedure as [[BIO_Assignment_Week_8#R code: renumbering the model in the last assignment]] to change the  chain ID.
<source lang="rsplus">
<!-- {{#pmid: 19957275}} -->
PDBin <- "1DP7_DNAonly.pdb"
<!-- {{WWW|WWW_GMOD}} -->
PDBout <- "1DP7_DNAnewChain.pdb"
<!-- <div class="reference-box">[http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov]</div> -->
pdb  <- read.pdb(PDBin)
pdb$atom[,"chain"] <- "E"
# Use your text-editor to open both the <code>1DP7.pdb</code> structure file and the  <code>1DP7_DNAnewChain.pdb</code>. Copy the DNA coordinates, paste them into the original file before the <code>END</code> line and save.
# Open the edited coordinate file with VMD. You should see '''one protein chain''' and a '''B-DNA double helix'''. (Actually, the BDNA helix has a gap, because the R-library did not read the BRDU nucleotide as DNA). Switch to stereo viewing and spend some time to see how '''amazingly beautiful''' the complementarity between the protein and the DNA helix is (you might want to display ''protein'' and ''nucleic'' in separate representations and color the DNA chain by ''Position'' &rarr; ''Radial'' for clarity) ... in particular, appreciate how not all positively charged side chains contact the phosphate backbone, but some pnetrate into the helix and make detailed interactions with the nucleobases!
# Then clear all molecules
# In VMD, open '''Extensions&rarr;Analysis&rarr;MultiSeq'''. When you run MultiSeq for the first time, you will be asked for a directory in which to store metadata. You can use the default, or a directory of your choice; you may subsequently skip all steps that ask you to install "required" databases locally since we will not need them for this task.
# Choose '''File&rarr;Import Data''', browse to your directory and load one by one:
:: -Your model;
:: -The 1DUX complex;
:: -The 1DP7 complex.  
# Mark all three protein chains by selecting the checkbox next to their name and choose '''Tools&rarr; STAMP structural alignment'''.
# '''Align''' the '''Marked Structures''', choose a '''scanscore''' of '''2''' and '''scanslide''' of '''5'''. Also choose '''Slow scan'''. You may have to play around with the setting to get the molecules to superimpose: but the '''can''' be superimposed quite well - at least the DNA-binding helices and the wings should line up.
# In the graphical representations window, double-click on the cartoon representations that multiseq has generated to undisplay them, also undisplay the Tube representation of 1DUX. Then create a Tube representation for 1DP7, and select a Color by ColorID (a different color that you like). The resulting scene should look similar to the one you have created above, only with 1DP7 in place of 1DUX and colored differently.
# Orient and scale your superimposed structures so that their structural similarity is apparent, and the differences in binding elements is clear. Perhaps visualizing a solvent accessible surface of the DNA will help understand the spatial requirements of the complex formation. You may want to keep a copy of the image for future reference. Note whether it is plausible that your '''model''' could bind a B-DNA double-helix in the "alternative" conformation.
===Coloring by conservation===
With the superimposed coordinates, you can begin to get a sense whether either or both binding modes could be appropriate for a protein-DNA complex in your Mbp1 orthologue. But these are geometrical criteria only, and the protein in your species may be flexible enough to adopt a different conformation in a complex, and different again from your model. A more powerful way to analyze such hypothetical complexes is to look at conservation patterns. With VMD, you can import a sequence alignment into the MultiSeq extension and color residies by conservation. The protocol below assumes
<table style="width:100%;"><tr>
<td style="height:30px; vertical-align:middle; text-align:left; font-size:80%;">[[BIO_Assignment_Week_6|&lt;&nbsp;Assignment&nbsp;6]]</td>
*You have prealigned the reference Mbp1 proteins with your species' Mbp1 orthologue;
<td style="height:30px; vertical-align:middle; text-align:right; font-size:80%;">[[BIO_Assignment_Week_8|Assignment&nbsp;8&nbsp;&gt;]]</td>
*You have saved the alignment in a CLUSTAL format.
You can use Jalview or any other MSA server to do so. You can even do this by hand - there should be few if any indels and the correct alignment is easy to see.
;Load the Mbp1 APSES alignment into MultiSeq.
:(A) In the MultiSeq Window, navigate to '''File &rarr; Import Data...'''; Choose "From Files" and Browse to the location of the alignment you have saved. The File navigation window gives you options which files to enable: choose to Enable <code>ALN</code> files (these are CLUSTAL formatted multiple sequence alignments).
:(B) Open the alignment file, click on '''Ok''' to import the data, it will take a short while to load. If the data can't be loaded, the file may have the wrong extension: .aln is required.
:(C) find the Mbp1_SACCE sequence in the list, click on it and move it to the top of the Sequences list with your mouse (the list is not static, you can re-order the sequences in any way you like).
You will see that the 1MB1 sequence and the APSES domain sequence do not match: at the N-terminus the sequence that corresponds to the PDB structure has extra residues, and in the middle the APSES sequences may have gaps inserted.
;Bring the 1MB1 sequence in register with the APSES alignment.
:(A)MultiSeq supports typical text-editor selection mechanisms. Clicking on a residue selects it, clicking on a row selects the whole sequence. Dragging with the mouse selects several residues, shift-clicking selects ranges, and option-clicking toggles the selection on or off for individual residues. Using the mouse and/or the shift key as required, select the '''entire first column''' of the sequences you have imported. 
:(B) Select '''Edit &rarr; Enable Editing... &rarr; Gaps only''' to allow changing indels.
:(C) Pressing the spacebar once should insert a gap character before the '''selected column''' in all sequences. Insert as many gaps as you need to align the beginning of sequences with the corresponding residues of 1MB1: <code>S I M ...</code>  
:(D) Now insert as many gaps as you need into the structure sequence, to align it completely with the Mbp1_SACCE APSES domain sequence. (Simply select residues in the sequence and use the space bar to insert gaps. (Note: I have noticed a bug that sometimes prevents slider or keyboard input to the MultiSeq window; it fails to regain focus after operations in a different window. I don't know whether this is a Mac related problem or a more general bug in MultiSeq. When this happens I quit VMD and restore the session from a saved state. It is a bit annoying but not mission-critical.)
:(E) When you are done, it may be prudent to save the state of your alignment. Use '''File &rarr; Save Session...'''
;Color by similarity
:(A) Use the '''View &rarr; Coloring &rarr; Sequence similarity &rarr; BLOSUM30''' option to color the residues in the alignment and structure. This clearly shows you where conserved and variable residues are located and allows to analyze their structural context.
:(B) You can adjust the color scale in the usual way by navigating to '''VMD main &rarr; Graphics &rarr; Colors...''', choosing the Color Scale tab and adjusting the scale midpoint.
:(C) Navigate to the '''Representations''' window and apply the color scheme to your tube-and-sidechain representation: double-click on the NewCartoon representation to hide it and use '''User''' coloring of your ''Tube'' and ''Licorice'' representations to apply the sequence similarity color gradient that MultiSeq has calculated.
&nbsp;<br><div style="padding: 5px; background: #DDDDEE;">
* Once you have colored the residues of your model by conservation, create another informative stereo-image and paste it into your assignment.
== Interpretation==
Analysis of the ligand binding site:
* http://dnasite.limlab.ibms.sinica.edu.tw/
* http://proline.biochem.iisc.ernet.in/pocketannotate/
* http://www.biosolveit.de/PoseView/
*Comparison with seq2logo
{{#pmid: 19483101}}
*protedna server PMID: 19483101
* http://serv.csbb.ntu.edu.tw/ProteDNA/
* http://protedna.csie.ntu.edu.tw/
* Multi Harmony
{{#pmid: 20525785}}
# Spend some time studying the complex.
# Recapitulate in your mind how we have arrived at this comparison, in particular, how this was possible even though the sequence similarity between these proteins is low - none of these winged helix domains came up as a result of our previous BLAST search in the PDB.
# You should clearly think about the following question: considering the position of the two DNA helices relative to the YFO structural model, which binding mode appears to be more plausible for protein-DNA interactions in the YFO Mbp1 APSES domains? Is it the canonical, or the non-canonical binding mode? Is there evidence that allows you to distinguish between the  two modes?
# Before you quit VMD, save the "state" of your session so you can reload it later. We will look at residue conservation once we have built phylogenetic trees. In the main VMD window, choose '''File&rarr;Save State...'''.
== R code: conservation scores and sequence weighting==
== Links and resources ==
== Links and resources ==

Revision as of 13:11, 17 November 2015

Assignment for Week 7
Predictions: Homology Modeling

< Assignment 6 Assignment 8 >

Note! This assignment is currently active. All significant changes will be announced on the mailing list.


Concepts and activities (and reading, if applicable) for this assignment will be topics on the next quiz.


In order to understand how specific residues in the sequence contribute to the putative function of the protein, and why and how they are conserved throughout evolution, we would need to study an explicit molecular model of an APSES domain protein, bound to its cognate DNA sequence. Explanations of a protein's observed properties and functions can't rely on the general fact that it binds DNA, we need to consider details in terms of specific residues and their spatial arrangement. In particular, it would be interesting to correlate the conservation patterns of key residues with their potential to make specific DNA binding interactions. Unfortunately, the experimental evidence we have considered in Assignment 2 (Taylor et al., 2000) is not sufficient to unambiguously define the details of how a DNA double helix might be bound. Moreover, at least two distinct modes of DNA binding are known for proteins of the winged-helix superfamily, of which the APSES domain is a member.

In this assignment you will (1) construct a molecular model of the APSES domain from the Mbp1 RBM orthologue in your assigned species.

For the following, please remember the following terminology:

The protein that you are planning to model.
The protein whose structure you are using as a guide to build the model.
The structure that results from the modelling process. It has the Target sequence and is similar to the Template structure.


A brief overview article on the construction and use of homology models is linked to the resource section at the bottom of this page. That section also contains links to other sites and resources you might find useful or interesting.



A Point Mutation

To illustrate how homology modelling works in principle, let's consider changing the sequence of a single amino acid, based on a structural template.

Such minimal changes to structure models can be done directly in Chimera. Let us consider the residue A 42 of the 1BM8 structure. It is oriented towards the core of the protein, but most other Mbp1 orthologs have a larger amino acid in this position, V, or even I.


  1. Open 1BM8 in Chimera, hide the ribbons and show all atoms as a stick model.
  2. Color the protein white.
  3. Open the sequence window and select A 42. Color it red. Choose Actions → Set pivot. Then study how nicely the alanine sidechain fits into the cavity formed by its surrounding residues.
  4. To emphasize this better, hide the solvent molecules and select only the protein atoms. Display them as a sphere model to better appreciate the packing, i.e. the Van der Waals contacts we discussed in class. Use the Favorites → Side view panel to move the clipping plane and see a section through the protein. Study the packing, in particular, note that the additional methyl groups of a valine or isoleucine would not have enough space in the structure. Then restore the clipping planes so you can see the whole molecule.
  5. Lets simplify the view: choose Actions → Atoms/Bonds → backbone only → chain trace. Then select A 42 again in the sequence window and choose Actions → Atoms/Bonds → show.
  6. Add the surrounding residues: choose Select → Zone.... In the window, see that the box is checked that selects all atoms at a distance of less then 5Å to the current selection, and check the lower box to select the whole residue of any atom that matches the distance cutoff criterion. Click OK and choose Actions → Atoms/Bonds → show.
  7. Select A 42 again: left-click (control click) on any atom of the alanine to select the atom, then up-arrow to select the entire residue. Now let's mutate this residue to isoleucine.
  8. Choose Tools → Structure Editing → Rotamers and select ILE as the rotamer type. Click OK, a window will pop up that shows you the possible rotamers for isoleucine together with their database-derived probabilities; you can select them in the window and cycle through them with your arrow keys. But note that the probabilities are very different - and thus show you high-energy and low-energy rotamers to choose from. Therefore, unless you have compelling reasons to do otherwise, try to find the highest-probability rotamer that may fit. This is where your stereo viewing practice becomes important, if not essential. It is really, really hard to do this reasonably in a 2D image! It becomes quite obvious in 3D. Btw: I find such "quantitative" work - where the real distances are important - easier in orthographic than in perspective view (cf. the Camera panel).
  9. I find that the first rotamer is actually not such a bad fit. The CD atom comes close to the sidechains of I 25 and L 96. But we can assume that these are somewhat mobile and can accommodate a denser packing, because - as you can easily verify in your Jalview alignment - it is NOT the case that sequences that have I 42, have a smaller residue in position 25 and/or 96. So let's accept the most frequent ILE rotamer by selecting it in the rotamer window and clicking OK (while existing side chain(s): replace is selected).
  10. Done.

If you want to go over this in more detail, check the video tutorial on YouTube published by the NIAID bioinformatics group here. I would also encourage you to go over Part 2 of the video tutorial that discusses how to check for and resolve (by energy minimization) steric clashes. But do remember that it is not clear whether energy minimization will make your structure more correct in the sense of a smaller overall RMSD with the real, mutated protein.

What we have done here with one residue is exactly the way homology modeling works with entire sequences. The homology modelling program simply changes all amino acids to the residues of the target sequence, based on the template structure. Let's now build a homology model for YFO Mbp1.



  • We need to define our Target sequence;
  • find a suitable structural Template; and
  • build a Model.

Target sequence

We have encountered the PDB 1BM8 structure before, the APSES domain of saccharomyces cerevisiae Mbp1. This is a useful template to model the DNA binding domain of your RBM match. But what exactly is the aligned region of the APSES domain? We could use several approaches to define the APSES domain:

  • we could use the biostrings package to calculate a pairwise sequence alignment with the 1BM8 sequence, like we did previously for the full-length sequences. This would give us the domain boundaries.
  • we could calculate a multiple sequence alignment, while including the 1BM8 sequence. This would also allow us to infer domain boundaries, actually in all sequences in our database at once. But we have found previously that such multiple sequence alignments are quite sensitive to un-alignable regions of which we have quite a few in the full length sequences. We do need an MSA, but we do need to restrict the length of the sequences we align to a reasonable region.
  • we could access the domain annotations at CDD or at the SMART Database, but both have interfaces that are difficult to use computationally, and have other issues: NCBI does not recognize APSES domains, only the smaller KilA-N domain, and SMART does not find APSES domains in many of our sequences.
  • In our case it seems the best results are had when searching the Prosite database with the ScanProsite interface.

Let's have a first look at ScanProsite, using the yeast Mbp1 sequence. We need the UniProt ID to search Prosite. With your protein database loaded in a fresh R session, type

# (commands indented, to align their components and
# help you understand their relationship)

                               which(refDB$protein$name == "MBP1")
       refDB$protein$uniProtID[which(refDB$protein$name == "MBP1")]
uID <- refDB$protein$uniProtID[which(refDB$protein$name == "MBP1")]
  • Navigate to ScanProsite, paste the UniprotID for yeast Mbp1 into the text field, select Table output for STEP 3, and START THE SCAN.

You should see four feature hits: the APSES domain, and three ankyrin domain sequences that partially overlap. We could copy and paste the start and end numbers and IDs but that would be lame. Let's get them directly from Prosite instead, because we will want to fetch a few of these. Prosite does not have a nice API interface like UniProt, but the principles of using R's httr package to send POST requests and retrieve the results are the same. Getting data informally from Webpages is called screenscraping and really a life-saving skill. The first step to capture the data from this page via screenscraping is to look into the HTML code of the page.

(I am writing this section from the perspective of the Chrome browser - I don't think other browsers have all of the functionality that I am describing here. You may need to install Chrome to try this...)

  • Use the menu and access ViewDeveloperView Source. Scroll through the page. You should easily be able to identify the data table. That's fair enough: each of the lines contain the UniProt ID and we should be able to identify them. But how to send the request to get this page in the first place?
  • Use the browser's back button, and again: ViewDeveloperView Source. This is the page that accepts user input in a so called form via several different types of elements: "radio-buttons", a "text-box", "check-boxes", a "drop down menu" and a "submit" button. We need to figure out what each of the values are so that we can construct a valid POST request. If we get them wrong, in the wrong order, or have parts missing, it is likely that the server will simply ignore our request. These elements are much harder to identify thean the lines of feature information, and it's really easy to get them wrong, miss something and get no output. But Chrome has a great tool to help us: it allows you to see the exact, assembled POST header that it sent to the Prosite server!
  • On the scanProsite page, open ViewDeveloperDeveloper Tools in the Chrome menu. Then click again on START THE SCAN. The Developer Tools page will show you information about what just happened in the transaction it negotiated to retrieve the results page. Click on the Network tab, and then on the top element: PSScan.cgi. This contains the form data. Then click on the Headers tab and scroll down until you see the Request Payload. This has all the the required POST elements nicely spelled out. No guesswork required. What worked from the browser should work the same way from an R script. Analogous to our UniProt fetch code, we create a POST query:
URL <- "http://prosite.expasy.org/cgi-bin/prosite/PSScan.cgi"
response <- POST(URL, 
                 body = list(meta = "opt1",
                             meta1_protein = "opt1",
                             seq = "P39678",
                             skip = "on",
                             output = "tabular"))
# Note how the list-elements correspond to the page header's
# Request Payload. We include everything but the value of the 
# submit button (which is for display only) in our POST
# request.

# Send off this request, and you should have a response in a few
# seconds.

# The text contents of the response is available with the
# content() function:
content(response, "text")

# ... should show you the same as the page contents that
# you have seen in the browser. Now we need to extract
# the data from the page: we need regular expressions, but
# only simple ones. First, we strsplit() the response into
# individual lines, since each of our data elements is on
# its own line. We simply split on the "\\n" newline character.

lines <- unlist(strsplit(content(response, "text"), "\\n"))

# Now we define a query pattern for the lines we want:
# we can use the uID, bracketed by two "|" pipe
# characters:

pattern <- paste("\\|", uID, "\\|", sep="")

# ... and select only the lines that match this
# pattern:

lines <- lines[grep(pattern, lines)]

# ... captures the four lines of output.

# Now we break the lines apart into
# apart in tokens: this is another application of
# strsplit(), but this time we split either on
# "pipe" characters, "|" OR on tabs "\t". Look at the
# regex "\\t|\\|" in the strsplit() call:

strsplit(lines[1], "\\t|\\|")

# Its parts are (\\t)=tab (|)=or (\\|)=pipe.
# Both "t" and "|" need to be escaped with a backslash.
# "t" has to be escaped because we want to match a tab (\t),
# not the literal character "t". And "|" has to be escaped
# because we mean the literal pipe character, not its
# usual (special) meaning OR. Thus sometimes the backslash
# turns a special meaning off, and sometimes it turns a
# special meaning on. Unfortunately there's no easy way
# to tell - you just need to remember the characters - or
# have a reference handy. The special characters are
# (){}[]^$?*+.|&-   ... and some of them have different
# meanings depending on where in the regex they are.   

# Let's put the tokens into named slots of a vector.

features <- list()
for (line in lines) {
    tokens <- unlist(strsplit(line, "\\t|\\|"))
    features <- rbind(features, c(uID   =  tokens[2],
                                  start =  tokens[4],
                                  end   =  tokens[5],
                                  psID  =  tokens[6],
                                  psName = tokens[7]))

This forms the base of a function that collects the features automatically from a PrositeScan result. We still need to do a bit more on the database part, but this is mostly bookkeeping:

  • We need to put the feature annotations into a database table and link them to a protein ID and to a description of the feature itself.
  • We need a function that extracts feature sequences in FASTA format.
  • And, since we are changing the structure of the database, we need a way to migrate your old database contents to a newer version.

I don't think much new can be learned from this, so I have written those functions and put them into dbUtilities.R But you can certainly learn something from having a look at the code of

  • fetchPrositeFeatures()
  • addFeatureToDB()
  • getFeatureFASTA()

Also, have a quick look back at our database schema: this update has implemented the proteinFeature and the feature table. Do you remember what they were good for?

Time for a database update. You must be up to date with the latest version of dbUtilities.r for this to work. When you are, execute the following steps:


# Make a backup copy of your protein database.
# Load your protein database. Then merge the data in your database
# with the updated reference database. (Obviously, substitute the
# actual filename in the placeholder strings below. And don't type
# the angled brackets!)

<my-new-database> <- mergeDB(<my-old-database>, refDB)

# check that this has worked:

# and save your database.

save(<my-new-database>, file="<my-DB-filename.02>.RData")

# Now, for each of your proteins, add the domain annotations to
# the database. You could write a loop to do this but it's probably
# better to check the results of each annotation before committing
# it to the database. So just paste the UniProt Ids as argument of
# the function fetchPrositeFeatures(), execute and repeat.

features <- fetchPrositeFeatures(<one-of-my-proteins-uniProt-IDs>)
refDB <- addFeatureToDB(refDB, features)

# When you are done, save your database.

Finally, we can create a sequence selection of APSES domains from our reference proteins. The function getFeatureFasta()

  • accepts a feature name such as "HTH_APSES;
  • finds the corresponding feature ID;
  • finds all matching entries in the proteinFeature table;
  • looks up the start and end position of each feature;
  • fetches the corresponding substring from the sequence entries;
  • adds a meaningful header line; and
  • writes everything to output.

... so that you can simply execute:

cat(getFeatureFasta(<my-new-database>, "HTH_APSES"))

Here are the first five sequences from that result:

>CC1G_01306_COPCI    HTH_APSES 6:112
>CNBB4890_CRYNE    HTH_APSES 17:123
>PGTG_08863_PUCGR    HTH_APSES 90:196

At the bottom of these sequences, you should see the APSES sequences from YFO, in particular the Mbp1 RBM sequence from YFO. Email me if you have trouble getting to that stage.

We'll need to align these sequences with the template...

Template choice and template sequence

The SWISS-MODEL server provides several different options for constructing homology models. The easiest option requires only a target sequence as input. In this mode the program will automatically choose suitable templates and create an input alignment. I would argue however that that is not the best way to use such a service: template choice and alignment both may be significantly influenced by biochemical reasoning, and an automated algorithm cannot make the necessary decisions. Should you use a structure of reduced resolution that however has a ligand bound? Should you move an indel from an active site to a loop region even though the sequence similarity score might be less? Questions like that may yield answers that are different from the best choices an automated algorithm could make. But Swiss Model is flexible and allows us to upload an explicit alignment between target and template. Please note: the model you will produce is "easy" - the sequence similarity is high and there are no indels to consider, the automated mode would have done just as well. But the strategy we pursue here is suitable also for much more difficult problems. The automated strategy probably is not.

Template choice is the first step. Often more than one related structure can be found in the PDB. The degree of sequence identity is the most important criterion, but there are many other factors to consider. Please refer to the template choice principles page on this Wiki where I discuss more details and alternatives. To find related structures, you can search the PDB itself through its Advanced Search interface; for example one can search for sequence similarity with a BLAST search, or search for structural similarity by accessing structures according to their CATH or SCOP classification. But the BLAST search is probably the method of choice: after all, the most important measure of the probability of success for homology modelling is sequence similarity.

Defining a template means finding a PDB coordinate set that has sufficient sequence similarity to your target that you can build a model based on that template. To find suitable PDB structures, we will perform a BLAST search at the PDB.


  1. Retrieve your YFO's Mbp1 RBM APSES domain sequence from the FASTA selection you have just prepared. This YFO sequence is your target sequence.
  2. Navigate to the PDB.
  3. Click on Advanced to enter the advanced search interface.
  4. Open the menu to Choose a Query Type:
  5. Find the Sequence features section and choose Sequence (BLAST...)
  6. Paste your target sequence into the Sequence field, select not to mask low-complexity regions and Submit Query. Since the E-value is set rather high by default, you will get a number of low-confidence hits as well as the actual homologs, these have very low E-values.

All hits that are homologs are potentially suitable templates, but some are more suitable than others. Consider how the coordinate sets differ and which features would make each more or less suitable for creating a homology model: you should consider ...

  • sequence similarity to your target
  • size of expected model (= length of alignment)
  • presence or absence of ligands
  • experimental method and quality of the data set

Sequence similarity is the most important, but we can have the PDB tabulate the other features concisely for this task.

  1. There is a menu to create Reports: - select customizable table.
  2. Select (at least) the following information items:
Structure Summary
  • Experimental Method
  • Chain Length
  • Ligand Name
Biological details
  • Macromolecule Name
refinement Details
  • Resolution
  • R Work
  • R free
  1. click: Create report.

Unfortunately you don't get the E-values into the report, and those should strongly influence your final decision. However in our case the sequences and therefore the E-values of the top three hits are all the same. And there is a new structure from January 2015, with a lower resolution. Some of the sequences have a longer chain-length ... but those are only disordered residues (otherwise these would be better suited templates; regrettably, you'd need to check that in the real world, there is no automatic tool to evaluate disorder and its effects on template choice). In my opinion that leaves pretty much only one unambiguous choice for our template: 1BM8.

Click on the 1BM8 ID to navigate to the structure page for the template and save the FASTA sequence to your computer. This is the template sequence.


Sequence numbering


It is not straightforward at all how to number sequence in such a project. A "natural" numbering starts with the start-codon of the full length protein and goes sequentially from there. However, this does not map exactly to other numbering schemes we have encountered. As you know the first residue of the APSES domain (as defined by CDD) is not Residue 1 of the Mbp1 protein. The first residue of the 1BM8 FASTA file (one of the related PDB structures) is the fourth residue of the Mbp1 protein. The first residue in the structure is GLN 3, therefore Q is the first residue in a FASTA sequence derived from the cordinate section of the PDB file (the ATOM records. In the 1MB1 structure, the original N-terminal amino acids are present in the molecule, therefore they are present in the FASTA file which starts with MSNQIY..., but they are disordered in the structure and no coordinates are present for M and S. A sequence derived explicitly from the coordinates is therefore different from the reported FASTA sequence, which is really bad because that is what the modeling program has to work with ... and so on. It can get complicated. You need to remember: a sequence number is not absolute, but assigned in a particular context and you need to be careful how to do this.

Fortunately, the numbering for the residues in the coordinate section of our target structure corresponds not to its FASTA sequence, but to the numbering of the gene. Otherwise we would need to renumber the sequence (e.g. by using the bio3D R package). If we would not do this, the sequence numbers in the model might not correspond to the sequence numbers of our target.


The input alignment

  The sequence alignment between target and template is the single most important factor that determines the quality of your model. No comparative modeling process will repair an incorrect alignment; it is useful to consider a homology model rather like a three-dimensional map of a sequence alignment rather than a structure in its own right. In a homology modeling project, typically the largest amount of time should be spent on preparing the best possible alignment. Even though automated servers like the SwissModel server will align sequences and select template structures for you, it would be unwise to use these just because they are convenient. You should take advantage of the much more sophisticated alignment methods available. Analysis of wrong models can't be expected to produce right results.

The best possible alignment is usually constructed from a multiple sequence alignment that includes at least the target and template sequence and other related sequences as well. The additional sequences are an important aid in identifying the correct placement of insertions and deletions. Your alignment should have been carefully reviewed by you and wherever required, manually adjusted to move insertions or deletions between target and template out of the secondary structure elements of the template structure.

In most of the Mbp1 orthologues, we do not observe indels in the APSES domain regions. Evolutionary pressure on the APSES domains has selected against indels in the more than 600 million years these sequences have evolved independently in their respective species. To obtain an alignment between the template sequence and the target sequence from your species, proceed as follows.


Choose one of the following options to align your target and template sequence. Make sure your template sequence is included, i.e. the FASTA sequence of 1BM8.

In Jalview...
  • Load your APSES domain sequences plus the 1BM8 sequence in Jalview. Include the sequence of your template protein and align using Muscle.
  • Delete all sequence you no longer need, i.e. keep only the APSES domains of the target (from your species) and the template (from the PDB) and choose Edit → Remove empty columns. This is your input alignment.
  • Choose File→Output to textbox→FASTA to obtain the aligned sequences. They should both have exactly the same length, i.e. N- or C- termini have to be padded by hyphens if the original sequences had different length. Save the sequences in a text-file.

Using a different MSA program
  • Copy the FASTA formatted sequences of the Mbp1 proteins in the reference species from the Reference APSES domain page.
  • Access the MSA tools page at the EBI.
  • Paste the Mbp1 sequence set, your target sequence and the template sequence into the input form.
  • Run an alignment (I like T-coffee) and save the output.

Using the R bioconductor MSA package that you used previously.

Refer back to the page if you are lacking notes how to go about this.

Whatever method you use: the result should be a two sequence alignment in multi-FASTA format, that was constructed from a number of supporting sequences and that contains your aligned target and template sequence. This is your input alignment for the homology modeling server. For a Schizosaccharomyces pombe model, which I am using as an example here, it looks like this:

>Mbp1_SCHPO 2-100 NP_593032

In this case, there are no indels and therefore no hyphens - in your case there may be.


Homology model

The alignment defines the residue by residue relationship between target and template sequence. All we need to do now is to change every residue of the template to the target sequence



Access the Swissmodel server at http://swissmodel.expasy.org and click on the Start Modelling button. Under the Supported Inputs, choose Target-Template Alignment.


  • Paste the aligned sequences of the YFO target and the 1BM8 template into the form field. SwissModel will analyse the sequences and ask you to identify target and template. The YFO sequence is your target. The 1BM8 sequence is the template.
  • Click Validate Target Template Alignment and check that the returned alignment is correct. All non-identical residues are shown in light-grey.
  • Click Build Model to start the modeling process. This will take about a minute or so.
  • The resulting page returns information about the resulting model and its quality. You can rotate the model in the window on the right with the mouse. Regions that have a reddish hue have lower quality scores, i.e. they were harder to model or could not be modelled well with good geometry. Hovering the mouse over parts of the structure highlights the respective region of the sequence alignment.
  • Mouse over the Model 01 dropdown menu (under the icon of the template structure), and choose the PDB file. Note that the B-factor column of the coordinate section contains the QMEAN scores (between 0 and 1) that the server has calculated. Higher is better. Save the PDB file on your computer.
  • Open the SwissModel documentation in a new tab. Read about the modelling process. there are a number of important technical details that help to understand what the computed coordinates of your model mean, you should pay special attention to the GQME and QMEAN quality scores.
  • Also save:
    • The output page as pdf (for reference)
    • The modeling report (as pdf)


Links and resources

Altenhoff & Dessimoz (2012) Inferring orthology and paralogy. Methods Mol Biol 855:259-79. (pmid: 22407712)

PubMed ] [ DOI ] The distinction between orthologs and paralogs, genes that started diverging by speciation versus duplication, is relevant in a wide range of contexts, most notably phylogenetic tree inference and protein function annotation. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the methods used to infer orthology and paralogy. We survey both graph-based approaches (and their various grouping strategies) and tree-based approaches, which solve the more general problem of gene/species tree reconciliation. We discuss conceptual differences among the various orthology inference methods and databases, and examine the difficult issue of verifying and benchmarking orthology predictions. Finally, we review typical applications of orthologous genes, groups, and reconciled trees and conclude with thoughts on future methodological developments.

Reference sequences


Footnotes and references


Ask, if things don't work for you!

If anything about the assignment is not clear to you, please ask on the mailing list. You can be certain that others will have had similar problems. Success comes from joining the conversation.

< Assignment 6 Assignment 8 >


Links and resources

Altenhoff & Dessimoz (2012) Inferring orthology and paralogy. Methods Mol Biol 855:259-79. (pmid: 22407712)

PubMed ] [ DOI ] The distinction between orthologs and paralogs, genes that started diverging by speciation versus duplication, is relevant in a wide range of contexts, most notably phylogenetic tree inference and protein function annotation. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the methods used to infer orthology and paralogy. We survey both graph-based approaches (and their various grouping strategies) and tree-based approaches, which solve the more general problem of gene/species tree reconciliation. We discuss conceptual differences among the various orthology inference methods and databases, and examine the difficult issue of verifying and benchmarking orthology predictions. Finally, we review typical applications of orthologous genes, groups, and reconciled trees and conclude with thoughts on future methodological developments.

Reference sequences


Footnotes and references


Ask, if things don't work for you!

If anything about the assignment is not clear to you, please ask on the mailing list. You can be certain that others will have had similar problems. Success comes from joining the conversation.

< Assignment 6 Assignment 8 >