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Computing with PDB files

Let's apply some of the principles we have covered above to perform computations with biological coordinates.

First, orient yourself to the actual contents of a PDB file:

  1. Access the PDB page for 1BM8.
  2. Use the pulldown menu towards the top-right to Display filesPDB file.
  3. Study the file, in particular the SEQRES, HELIX and SHEET records, and the structure of ATOM records.

To compute with these coordinates, copy the following R script to your computer and follow it carefully. Make sure you understand each line of code. Ask on the list if anything is not clear.

#bio3d example
# Boris Steipe, October 2013 
setwd("~/Documents/07.TEACHING/36-BCH441\ Bioinformatics\ 2013/")

# In this example of protein structure interpretation, we ...
#   - load the library "bio3D" which supports work with
#     protein structure files,
#   - explore some elementary functions of the library
#   - assemble a script to compare H-bond lengths between
#     alpha-helical and beta-sheet structures.

# bio3d is not available via CRAN, but needs to be installed
# from source. Instructions are here:


lbio3d() # ... lists the newly installed  functions.
         # they all have help files associated.
         # More information is available on the so-called
         # "vignette", distributed with most R packages:

apses <- read.pdb("1bm8")  # load a molecule directly from PDB

# ======== RAMACHANDRAN PLOT ==============================
# Calculate a Ramachandran plot for the structure
tor <- torsion.pdb(apses)
plot(tor$phi, tor$psi)

# As you can see, there are a number of points in the upper-right
# quadrant of the plot. This combination of phi-psi angles defines
# the conformation of a left-handed alpha helix and is generally
# only observed for glycine residues. Let's replot the data, but
# color the points for glycine residues differently. First, we 
# get a vector of glycine residue indices in the structure:

seq <- seq.pdb(apses)

# Explore the result object and extract the indices of GLY resiues.
seq == "G"
which(seq == "G")
as.numeric(which(seq == "G"))
Glys <- as.numeric(which(seq == "G"))

# Now plot all non-gly residues.
# Remember: negative indices exclude items from a vector
plot(tor$phi[-Glys], tor$psi[-Glys], xlim=c(-180,180), ylim=c(-180,180))

# Now plot GLY only, but with red dots:
points(tor$phi[Glys], tor$psi[Glys], pch=21, cex=0.9, bg="#BB0000")

# As you see, four residues in the upper-right quadrant are
# not glycine. But what residues are these? Is there an
# error in our script? 
# You could try as an additional exercise to add the residue
# types or indices of the non-GLY outliers to the plot. 
# Use the function text(). Then you could verify the
# backbone torsion angles in VMD.

# Are there any cis-peptide bonds in the structure?
#... gives us a quick answer. But wait - what values do we
# expect? And why are the values so different?
# Consider this plot: what am I doing here and why?
x <- tor$omega[tor$omega > 0]
x <- c(x, 360 + tor$omega[tor$omega < 0])
hist(x, xlim=c(90,270))
abline(v=180, col="red")

# ======= DISTANCES =================================
# Let's do something a little less trivial and compare
# backbone H-bond distances between helices and strands.
# For this, we need to poke around a bit in the way 
# bio3d stores information.
# The basic object is a list:


# The list contains components...


# ... which we can access either through the double square
# bracket, or the $ syntax:


# Most of these lists objects can be vectors, other lists
# or scalars


# This means information can be obtained in several
# different ways. 

# By atom ...
i <- 5
apses$atom[i, c("x", "y", "z")]   # Note that these are strings!
apses$xyz[c(i*3-2, i*3-1, i*3)]   # Note that these are numbers

# By residue ...
i <- "48"	#string!
apses$atom[apses$atom[,"resno"] == i, ]
i <- 7

# ... wait, what???
# Isn't that supposed to be the same?
# What's going on here?
# Can you figure it out?

# By chain ...
# (Well - the 1BM8 file has only chain "A", but if there were more
# than one chain, you could select them this way ...). 

paste(aa321(apses$seqres[names(apses$seqres)=="A"]), collapse='')
paste(aa321(apses$atom[apses$atom[,"chain"] == "A" & apses$atom[,"elety"] == "CA","resid"]), collapse='')

# To understand nested statements, especially like the one 
# above, select them piece by piece and execute the pieces to
# see  how the output of one expression works as the argument
# in another expression.

# Back to measuring H-bond distances:
# secondary structure is defined in the list components ...$helix
# and ...$strand.

# We need to 
# - collect all residue indices for alpha helices resp.
#      beta strands;
# - fetch the atom coordinates;
# - calculate all N, O distances using;
# - filter them for distances that indicate H-bonds; and,
# - plot the results.

# Secondary structure can either be obtained from
# definitions contained in many PDB files, or by running
# the DSSP algorithm IF(!) you have it installed on your
# machine. The 1BM8 file contains definitions 


# (1): collect the residue numbers
# between the segment boundaries.

H <- c() # This will contain the helix residue numbers
for (i in 1:length(apses$helix)) {
	H <- c(H, apses$helix$start[i]:apses$helix$end[i])

# Doing the same for the sheet residue numbers requires
# very similar code. Rather than retype the code, it is
# better to write a function that can do both.

getSecondary <- function(sec) {
	R <- c()	
	for (i in 1:length(sec$start)) {
		R <- c(R, sec$start[i]:sec$end[i])

# Compare ...

# ... and use for strands

E <- getSecondary(apses$sheet)

# Now here's a problem: these numbers refer to the 
# residue numbers as defined in the atom records. They
# can't be used directly to address e.g. the first, second
# third residue etc. since the first residue has the
# residue number 4...  

# Therefore we need to
# 1: convert the numbers to strings;
# 2: search for atom records that contain these strings.
# Essentially, we don't treat the "residue numbers" as numbers,
# but as generic labels. That's fine, as long as they are unique.

# (2): fetch coordinates of N and O atoms
# for residues in alpha- and beta- conformation.

# For one residue, the procedure goes as follows:

res <- H[17] # pick an arbitrary alpha-helix residue to illustrate
res <- as.character(res)

# all atom rows for this residue
apses$atom[apses$atom[,"resno"] == res, ]

# add condition: row with "N" atom only
apses$atom[apses$atom[,"resno"] == res & 
           apses$atom[,"elety"] == "N", ]

# add column selection: "x", "y", "z"
apses$atom[apses$atom[,"resno"] == res &
           apses$atom[,"elety"] == "N", 
	       c("x", "y", "z")] 

# convert to numbers
as.numeric (
	apses$atom[apses$atom[,"resno"] == res &
    apses$atom[,"elety"] == "N", 
	c("x", "y", "z")] 

# Now we need to add this into a matrix as we iterate over
# the desired residues. We need to execute the procedure
# four times for alpha and beta Ns and Os respectively.
# Rather than duplicate the code four times over,
# we write a function. This is prudent practice for writing
# software: never duplicate code, because if you need to make
# changes it is too easy to forget making the change
# consistently in all copies.

getAtom <- function(PDB, r, AT) {
	# Function to iterate over residue number strings and 
	# return a matrix of x, y, z triplets for each atom
	# of a requested type.
	mat <- c() 	#initialize as empty matrix
	for (i in 1:length(r)) {
		res <- as.character(r[i])	
		v <- as.numeric (
				PDB$atom[PDB$atom[,"resno"] == res &
	    		PDB$atom[,"elety"] == AT, 
				c("x", "y", "z")] 
		mat <- rbind(mat, v)

# Now run the functions with the parameters we need... <- getAtom(apses, H, "N") <- getAtom(apses, H, "O") <- getAtom(apses, E, "N") <- getAtom(apses, E, "O")

# (3): calculate distances between N and
# O atoms to find H-bonds.

# We spent most of our effort so far just
# preparing our raw data for analysis. Now
# we can actually start measuring. bio3d provides
# the function - but we
# could easily code this ourselves.

# Consider the distance of the first (N,O) pair.[1,][1,]

a <-[1,]
b <-[1,], b)

# or ...
sqrt( (a[1]-b[1])^2 + (a[2]-b[2])^2 + (a[3]-b[3])^2 )
# ... i.e. pythagoras theorem in 3D.

# Calculating all pairwise distances from a matrix of
# xyz coordinates sounds like a useful function. <- function(a, b) {
	PD <- c()
	for (i in 1:nrow(a)) {
		for (j in 1:nrow(b)) {
			PD <- c(PD,[i,], b[j,]))					

# And see what we get:
X <-,

# let's zoom in on the shorter distances, in which we expect
# hydrogen bonds:
hist(X[X < 4.0], breaks=seq(2.0, 4.0, 0.1), xlim=c(2.0,4.0))

# There is a large peak at about 2.2Å, and another
# large peak above 3.5Å. But these are not typical hydrogen
# bond distances! Rather these are (N,O) pairs in peptide
# bonds, and within residues. That's not good, it will
# cause all sorts of problems with statistics later.
# We should exclude all distances between N of a residue
# and O of a preceeding residue, and all (N,O) pairs in the
# same residue. But for this, we need to store atom type
# and residue information with the coordinates. Our code
# will get a bit bulkier. It's often hard to find a good
# balance between terse generic code, and code that
# handles special cases.

# We could do two things:
# - add a column with residue information to the coordinates
# - add a column with atom type information 
# ... but actually we also would need chain information, and
# then we really have almost everything that is contained in the record
# in the first place.

# This suggests a different strategy: let's rewrite our function
# getAtom() to return indices, not coordinates, and use the indices
# to extract coordinates, and THEN we can add all sorts of
# additional constraints.

# Here we set up the function with a default chain argument

getAtomIndex <- function(PDB, V_res, elety, chain="A") {
	# Function to access a bio3d pdb object, iterate over
	# a vector of residues and return a vector of indices
	# to matching atom elements. Nb. bio3d handles insert
	# and alt fields incorrectly: their values should not
	# be NA but " ",  i.e. a single blank. Therefore this
	# function does not test for "alt" and "insert".
	v <- c() 	#initialize as empty vector
	for (i in 1:length(V_res)) {
		res <- as.character(V_res[i])	
		x <- which(PDB$atom[,"resno"] == res &
				   PDB$atom[,"chain"] == chain &
	    		   PDB$atom[,"elety"] == elety)
		v <- c(v, x)

# test this ...
getAtomIndex(apses, H, "N")
getAtomIndex(apses, H, "O")

# That looks correct: O atoms should be stored three
# rows further down: the sequence of atoms in a PDB
# file is usually N, CA, C, O ... followed by the side
# chain coordinates.

# Now to extract the coordinates and calculate distances.
# Our function needs to take the PDB object and
# two vectors of atom indices as argument, and return
# a vector of pair-distances.

PairDist.idx <- function(PDB, a, b) {
	PD <- c()
	for (i in 1:length(a)) {
		p <- as.numeric(PDB$atom[a[i], c("x", "y", "z")])
		for (j in 1:length(b)) {
			q <- as.numeric(PDB$atom[b[j], c("x", "y", "z")])
			PD <- c(PD,, q))					

# Let's see if this looks correct:

H.N <- getAtomIndex(apses, H, "N")
H.O <- getAtomIndex(apses, H, "O")
X <- PairDist.idx(apses, H.N, H.O)
hist(X[X < 4.0], breaks=seq(2.0, 4.0, 0.1), xlim=c(2.0,4.0))

# Now we are back where we started out from, but with 
# a different logic of the function that we can easily
# modify to exclude (N_i, O_i-1) distances (peptide bond),
# and (N_i, O_i) distances (within residue).

HB.idx <- function(PDB, a, b) {
	HBcutoff <- 4.0
	PD <- c()
	for (i in 1:length(a)) {
		p <- as.numeric(PDB$atom[a[i], c("x", "y", "z")])
		res_i <- as.numeric(PDB$atom[a[i], "resno"])
		for (j in 1:length(b)) {
			q <- as.numeric(PDB$atom[b[j], c("x", "y", "z")])
			res_j <- as.numeric(PDB$atom[a[j], "resno"])
			if (res_i != res_j+1 &
			    res_i != res_j     ) {
			    	d <-, q)
			    	if (d < HBcutoff) {
 						PD <- c(PD, d)

# test this: 
X <- HB.idx(apses, H.N, H.O)

# ... and this looks much more like the distribution we are
# seeking.

# Why did we go along this detour for coding the 
# function? The point is that there are usually
# several ways to use or define datastructures and
# functions. Which one is the best way may not be 
# obvious until you understand the problem better.
# At first, we wrote a very generic function that 
# extracts atom coordinates to be able to compute
# with them. This is simple and elegant. But we
# recognized limitations in that we could not
# make more sophisticated selections that we needed
# to reflect our biological idea of hydrogen
# bonds. Thus we changed our datastructure
# and functions to accomodate our new requirements
# better. You have to be flexible and able to look
# at a task from different angles to succeed.

# Finally we can calculate alpha- and beta- structure
# bonds and compare them. In this section we'll explore
# different options for histogram plots.

H.N <- getAtomIndex(apses, H, "N")
H.O <- getAtomIndex(apses, H, "O")
dH <- HB.idx(apses, H.N, H.O)

E.N <- getAtomIndex(apses, E, "N")
E.O <- getAtomIndex(apses, E, "O")
dE <- HB.idx(apses, E.N, E.O)

# The plain histogram functions without parameters
# give us white stacks.


# and ... 

# We can see that the histrograms look different
# but that is better visualized by showing two plots
# in the same window. We use the par() function, for
# more flexible layout, look up the layout() function.

opar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)  # store current state
par(mfrow=c(2,1))  # set graphics parameters: 2 rows, one column

# plot two histograms

# add color:
hist(dH, col="#DD0055") 
hist(dE, col="#00AA70")

# For better comparison, plot both in the 
# same window:

hist(dH, col="#DD0055") 
hist(dE, col="#00AA70", add=TRUE)

# ... oops, we dind't reset the graphics parameters.
# You can either close the window, a new window
# will open with default parameters, or ...
par(opar)      # ... reset the graphics parameters

hist(dH, col="#DD0055") 
hist(dE, col="#00AA70", add=TRUE)

# We see that the leftmost column of the sheet bonds
# overlaps the helix bonds. Not good. But we
# can make the colors transparent! We just need to
# add a fourth set of two hexadecimal-numbers to
# the #RRGGBB triplet. Lets use 2/3 transparent,
# in hexadecimal, 1/3 of 256 is x55 - i.e. an
# RGB triplet specied as #RRGGBB55 is only 33%
# opaque:

hist(dH, col="#DD005555") 
hist(dE, col="#00AA7055", add=TRUE)

# To finalize the plots, let's do two more things:
# Explicitly define the breaks, to make sure they
# match up - otherwise they would not need to...
# see for example: 

hist(dH, col="#DD005555") 
hist(dE[dE < 3], col="#00AA7055", add=TRUE)

# Breaks are a parameter in hist() that can
# either be a scaler, to define how many columns
# you want, or a vector, that defines the actual
# breakpoints.
brk=seq(2.4, 4.0, 0.1)

hist(dH, col="#DD005555", breaks=brk) 
hist(dE, col="#00AA7055", breaks=brk, add=TRUE)

# The last thing to do is to think about rescaling the plot.
# You notice that the y-axis is scaled in absolute frequency.
# That gives us some impression of the relative frequency,
# but it is of course skewed by observing relatively more
# or less of one type of secondary structure in a protein.
# As part of the hist() function we can rescale the values so
# that the sum over all is one: set the prameter freq=FALSE.

hist(dH, col="#DD005555", breaks=brk, freq=FALSE) 
hist(dE, col="#00AA7055", breaks=brk, freq=FALSE, add=TRUE)

# Adding labels and legend ...

hH <- hist(dH,
		xlab="(N,O) distance (Å)",
		main="Helix and Sheet H-bond lengths")
hE <- hist(dE,

		c(paste("alpha (N = ", sum(hH$counts), ")"),
		  paste("beta  (N = ", sum(hE$counts), ")")),
        fill = c("#DD005550", "#00AA7060"), bty = 'n',
        border = NA)
# ===========================================================
# With all the functions we have defined,
# it is easy to try this with a larger protein. In fact
# 3ugj is VERY large. The calculation will take a few
# minutes:

pdb <- read.pdb("3ugj")

H <- getSecondary(pdb$helix)
E <- getSecondary(pdb$sheet)

H.N <- getAtomIndex(pdb, H, "N")
H.O <- getAtomIndex(pdb, H, "O")
dH <- HB.idx(pdb, H.N, H.O)

E.N <- getAtomIndex(pdb, E, "N")
E.O <- getAtomIndex(pdb, E, "O")
dE <- HB.idx(pdb, E.N, E.O)

brk=seq(2.4, 4.0, 0.1)

hH <- hist(dH,
		xlab="(N,O) distance (Å)",
		main="Helix and Sheet H-bond lengths")
hE <- hist(dE,

		c(paste("alpha (N = ", sum(hH$counts), ")"),
		  paste("beta  (N = ", sum(hE$counts), ")")),
        fill = c("#DD005550", "#00AA7060"), bty = 'n',
        border = NA)

# It looks more and more that the distribution is 
# indeed different. Our sample is large, but derives
# from a single protein.
# To do database scale statistics, we should look 
# at many more proteins. To give you a sense of how,
# let's do this for just ten proteins, taken from
# the architecture level of the CATH database for 
# mixed alpha-beta proteins (see:

PDBarchitectures <- c("3A4R", "A")
names(PDBarchitectures) <- c("ID", "chain")
PDBarchitectures <- rbind(PDBarchitectures, c("1EWF","A"))
PDBarchitectures <- rbind(PDBarchitectures, c("2VXN","A"))
PDBarchitectures <- rbind(PDBarchitectures, c("1I3K","A"))
PDBarchitectures <- rbind(PDBarchitectures, c("1C0P","A"))
PDBarchitectures <- rbind(PDBarchitectures, c("3QVP","A"))
PDBarchitectures <- rbind(PDBarchitectures, c("1J5U","A"))
PDBarchitectures <- rbind(PDBarchitectures, c("2IMH","A"))
PDBarchitectures <- rbind(PDBarchitectures, c("3NVS","A"))
PDBarchitectures <- rbind(PDBarchitectures, c("1UD9","A"))
PDBarchitectures <- rbind(PDBarchitectures, c("1XKN","A"))
PDBarchitectures <- rbind(PDBarchitectures, c("1OZN","A"))
PDBarchitectures <- rbind(PDBarchitectures, c("2DKJ","A"))

dH <- c()
dE <- c()

for (i in 1:nrow(PDBarchitectures)) {
	pdb <- read.pdb(PDBarchitectures[i,1])
	chain <- PDBarchitectures[i,2]
	H <- getSecondary(pdb$helix)
	H.N <- getAtomIndex(pdb, H, "N", chain)
	H.O <- getAtomIndex(pdb, H, "O", chain)
	dH <- c(dH, HB.idx(pdb, H.N, H.O))
	E <- getSecondary(pdb$sheet)
	E.N <- getAtomIndex(pdb, E, "N", chain)
	E.O <- getAtomIndex(pdb, E, "O", chain)
	dE <- c(dE, HB.idx(pdb, E.N, E.O))

brk=seq(2.0, 4.0, 0.1)

hH <- hist(dH,
		xlab="(N,O) distance (Å)",
		main="Helix and Sheet H-bond lengths")
hE <- hist(dE,

		c(paste("alpha (N = ", sum(hH$counts), ")"),
		  paste("beta  (N = ", sum(hE$counts), ")")),
        fill = c("#DD005550", "#00AA7060"), bty = 'n',
        border = NA)

# Nice. 
# That's all.