Perl programming Data Structures

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Perl: Data Structures

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A synopsis of simple and more advanced data structures in Perl.



Simple and advanced data structures in Perl


Data structure: scalar

  • Sigil: "$"
  • Type: Integer, float or string.

Data structure array

  • Also called "list"
  • Sigil: "@"
  • Contains elements of any data type, or references to structures
# Array examples
use warnings;
use strict;

# Construct
my @a;
# Initialize:
# (use the split function to split a string into its letters.)

# access elements by their index ...
print($a[1], $a[1], $a[2], $a[3], $a[5], $a[8], $a[13], $a[21], "\n"); 
# ... or from the back (note: last element is [-1], but first element is [0])
print($a[-1], $a[-1], $a[-2], $a[-3], $a[-5], $a[-8], $a[-13], $a[-21], "\n"); 

# print the entire array
print (@a, "\n");

# iterate over the array, element by element using foreach ...
foreach my $el (@a) {
    print($el, " ");

# ... or using a for-loop
for (my $i = scalar(@a)-1; $i >= 0; $i--) {

# push() and pop() operate on the end of an array;
# unshift() and shift() operate on the beginning of an array;

# add an element to the end of the array
push (@a, ")" );
# add an element to the beginning of the array
unshift (@a, "(" );
print(@a, "\n");

# access and remove elements from the beginning of an array with shift()
print ( shift(@a), ' ', @a, "\n" );
print ( shift(@a), ' ', @a, "\n" );
print ( shift(@a), ' ', @a, "\n" );
print ( shift(@a), ' ', @a, "\n" );
print ( shift(@a), ' ', @a, "\n" );

# access and remove elements from the end of an array with pop()
print ( pop(@a), ' ', @a, "\n" );
print ( pop(@a), ' ', @a, "\n" );
print ( pop(@a), ' ', @a, "\n" );
print ( pop(@a), ' ', @a, "\n" );
print ( pop(@a), ' ', @a, "\n" );


Data structure hash

  • Also called "associative array"
  • Sigil: "%"
  • Contains key/value pairs
    • keys are strings
    • values are elements of any data type, or references to structures
# Hash examples
use warnings;
use strict;

# Construct
my %h;
# Initialize
# Iterate over the elements of a list. Every element is used
# as a key. If the key does not yet exist in the list, it is created.
# Then we increment the value. Incrementing an undefined value by one sets it to "1".
# In effect, this counts the number of occurrences of characters.
foreach my $k (split('', "entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem")) {

# access values by their key ...
print($h{"a"}, " ", $h{"e"}, "\n");

# print the entire hash
print (%h, "\n");

# iterate over the entire hash by key
foreach my $k ( keys(%h)) {
    print("$k: $h{$k}\n");


# print keys sorted by values - descending
# The sort function operates on a list. The input list is the result of the keys().
# The output is the list of keys, sorted by the result of comparing two values $h{$a} $h{$b}.
# Since we swap $a,$b in the comparison statement, we sort _descending_.
foreach my $k (sort { $h{$b} <=> $h{$a} } ( keys(%h) ) ) {
    print("$k: $h{$k}\n");


Mixed structures

Two-dimensional array

Also referred to as an array of arrays.

use warnings;
use strict;
# Construct
my @a2 = ( () );

$a2[0][0] = 4;
$a2[0][1] = 5;
$a2[1][0] = "A";
$a2[1][1] = "B";

# GET - assignment
print ($a2[0][0] . " " . $a2[0][1] . "\n");
print ($a2[1][0] . " " . $a2[1][1]);
print "\n===\n";

# GET - iteration with foreach
foreach my $d1 ( @a2 )  {
    print $d1 . " ";
print "\n===\n";

foreach my $d1 ( @a2 )  {
    foreach my $d2 ( @{$d1}) {
        print $d2 . " ";   
    print "\n";
print "\n";


Hash of hash of arrays

use warnings;
use strict;
#Hash of hash of arrays
my %GO;

#SET values
$GO{"1"}{"child"}[0] = 1;
$GO{"1"}{"child"}[1] = 2;
$GO{"1"}{"child"}[2] = 3;

$GO{"1"}{"parent"}[0] = 4;
$GO{"1"}{"parent"}[1] = 5;

#GET values: assignment
my @t = @{$GO{"1"}{"child"}};

foreach my $node ( @t )  {
    print $node . " ";
print "\n";

#GET values: foreach - evaluate in array context!
foreach my $node ( @{$GO{"1"}{"parent"}} )  {
    print $node . " ";
print "\n";



Further reading and resources