Perl LWP example

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Perl: example code for LWP

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An example of using LWP to have a program impersonate a Web browser.

Start Komodo, then copy the code below and save it. Then run the code to make sure it works. Should any of the modules not be available, download and install them from CPAN.

 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use LWP;
 my $url = "<nowiki></nowiki>";
 my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new();
 my $html_doc = $browser->request(
             GET => $url
 if ($html_doc->is_success) {
    print("Title retrieved from $url: ", $html_doc->title, "\n");
 } else {
    print("$url: Awww, shucks, an error occurred.  :-(  \n");


  • Capture and print errors.
  • Parse something else.
  • Print the actual http get request.


Further reading and resources