Summary ...
Introductory reading
Configuring apache for PHP
Of course, the first prerequisite is that php is actually installed on your system. Type
$ which php
The configuration of apache to execute php files can be done similar to the perl/cgi configuration.
- Navigate to the apache configuration directory. If this is a default installation, type
$ cd /usr/local/apache2/conf
- Make a backup copy of the file
$ sudo cp httpd.conf httpd.conf.2
- Open
for editing
$ pico httpd.conf
- You have already told apache that .pl files are executable. All you need to do is to add .php to that directive. Change ...
AddHandler cgi-script .pl
... to...
AddHandler cgi-script .pl .php
... and save the modified file.
- Finally, restart apache to use the new configuration
$ sudo /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachctl restart
Testing the Configuration
The simplest possible PHP script is not actually a HTML document. Create a file phpinfo.php containing the following bit of php code:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
This calls a function within PHP that writes out HTML code for a complete overview of the PHP installation.
For a simple script that demonstrates the interaction of PHP with HTML, try the following:
<?php print "<h1>Hello</h1>\n"; ?>
Testing Communication with MySQL
Finding out the mysqld port:
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u developer -p variables
The port is listed in the row "port" and by default would be 3306.
Reference: Troubleshooting "Can't connect ..."
Try the following piece of code - either by asking apache to serve this document to a Web-browser (if you have successfully configured apache to handle php documents) OR by running the code through Komodo, which will write the html code to stdout:
<head><title>Test PHP -> MySQL connection</title></head>
// connect and select a database
$link = mysql_connect($db . ":" . $port, $user, $password)
or die ("Couldn't connect: Check to make sure that:<br>" .
"<ul><li>your MySQL server is running</li>" .
"<li>you used the correct hostname<li>" .
"<li>you checked that the port is correct<li>" .
"<li>you used a username that is recognized by this mysql server</li>" .
"<li>you used the correct password</li>");
print "Connected successfully to $db on port $port as user $user.\n<p>\n";
// perform an SQL query
$sql_command = "SHOW DATABASES";
$result = mysql_query($sql_command, $link) or die("Query failed");
<h3>Databases available to this user:</h3>
<table border="1">
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
echo "<tr><td>" . $row['Database'] . "</td></tr>\n";
// free result set
// close the connection
Further reading and resources