Expected Preparations:

  The units listed above are part of this course and contain important preparatory material.  

Keywords: R coding style; software development


This unit will …

  • … introduce tried and proven principles of writing expressive and maintainable R code.


After working through this unit you …

  • … can identify poor practice in formatting R code;

  • … know better;

  • … begin incorporating these principles into your own practice.


Time management: Before you begin, estimate how long it will take you to complete this unit. Then, record in your course journal: the number of hours you estimated, the number of hours you worked on the unit, and the amount of time that passed between start and completion of this unit. Journal: Document your progress in your Course Journal. Some tasks may ask you to include specific items in your journal. Don’t overlook these. Insights: If you find something particularly noteworthy about this unit, make a note in your insights! page.


NA: This unit is not evaluated for course marks.


Now that you have encountered some concepts of R programming, how do you write good R code?

What do we even mean by “good” R code? … This unit is one of those that you will need to come back to from time to time. It won’t make a lot of sense to you until you have actually encountered code, read it and written some yourself. So don’t try to memorize these principles, but review them every four weeks or so.

Proceed with caution:

Coding style is a volatile topic. Friendships have been renounced, eternal vows of marriage have been dissolved, stock-options have been lost, all over a disagreement about the One True Brace Style(W), or whether fetchSequenceFromPDB()is a good function name or whether it must be fetch.sequence.from.PDB() instead. I am laying out coding rules below that reflect a few years of experience. They work for me, they may not work for you. However:

Well written code helps the reader to understand the intent.



One of the goals of the coding style expressed below is that the code should be easy to read for people for whom R is not the first language, or even the language of choice. There are many things that R-purists might do differently, however those code idioms probably are not well suited for a research collaboration in which people speak python, C++, javascript and R all at the same time.

It should always be your goal to code as clearly and explicitly as possible. R has many complex idioms, and since it is a functional language that can generally insert functions anywhere into expressions, it is possible to write very terse, expressive code. Use this with discretion. Pace yourself, and make sure your reader can follow your flow of thought. You should aim for a generic coding style that can easily be translated to other languages if necessary, and easily understood by others whose background is in another language. And resist being crafty: more often than not the poor soul who will be confused by a particularly witty use of the language will be you, yourself, half a year later. There is an astute observation by Brian Kernighan that applies completely:

“Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.”

Paraphrased from The Elements of Programming Style, Chapter 2.





clu <- components(g)


clu <- igraph::components(g)


Don’t change the global state


We do understand why our functions should not have side-effects (other than the explicit intended effects of printing, plotting, or writing files). But there are subtle ways to change the global state that we need to remember - and avoid. Here’s an obvious one:

  • Don’t use <<- (global assignment) except in very unusual cases. Actually never.

Less obvious is:

  • Don’t use set.seed() in functions.

set.seed() changes the state of the Random Number Generator (RNG), which is part of Rs global state. If this state is changed inside a function, it might result in vastly smaller space of random numbers than you would expect. Even resetting the RNG is not a good idea: a repeatable script might require the RNG to be in a defined state and if your function does set.seed(NULL), your enclosing script is no longer repeatable. But of course, we need to be able to compute simulations repeatably. The only acceptable idiom is something like:

mySim <- function(N) { ...
  # do something random N times

set.seed(112358)                       # set RNG seed for repeatable randomness
x <- mySim(N)
set.seed(NULL)                         # reset the RNG

Then you can comment out the lines, or change them to a different seed, or reset the RNG with set.seed(NULL) - everything is explicit.


Don’t use save() and load()


This is a corrollary to the principle not to change the global state. save() / load() saves one or more R objects and restores them to the same object name(s) they originally had. But there is no good way to know in advance what that object name is. If you already have an object by that name in your global workspace, it gets overwritten!

The sane alternative is to use writeRDS() / readRDS(). writeRDS() serializes, compresses and saves a single R object, and readRDS() restores the object, and returns it as a return value, thus that value can be assigned:

save(aThing, file="savedAthing.rds")
myNewThing <- readRDS("savedAthing.rds")




Design and granularity

  • Don’t repeat code. Use functions instead.
  • Don’t repeat code. If you feel the urge to type code more than once, that’s how you know you should break up the code into functions.
  • Don’t repeat code. I’m repeating this for emphasis.

One of the general principles of writing clear, maintainable code is collocation. This means that information items that can affect each other should be viewable on the same screen. Spolski makes a great argument for this, together with a few excellent examples; he also makes a case for a special kind of prefix notation for variable and function names that has a lot of merit.

  • If the code for a function does not fit on approximately one printed page, you should probably break it up further.
  • If your loops or conditionals are nested more than three levels deep, you should rethink the logic. Actually three is already a lot. Unless you are working on 3D-objects.






Parentheses and Braces

  • In mathematical expressions, always use parentheses to define priority explicitly. Never rely on implicit operator priority. (( 1 + 2 ) / 3 ) * 4
  • Always use braces { }, even if you write single-line if statements and loops where they are not legally required.
  • Use the One True Brace Style(W). It’s the right way.



if and for are language keywords, not functions. Separate the following parenthesis from the keyword with a space.


if (silent) { ...


if(silent) { ...
  • Always separate operators and arguments with spaces.3 4
  • Never separate function names and their following parentheses with spaces.
  • Always use a space after a comma, and never before a comma. Except in subsetting expressions, where we don’t want the comma to hide against the bracket.


print(1 / 3, digits = 10)
if (! id %in% IDs) { ...'
expressionProfiles[ , 1:3]


print (1 / 3 ,digits=10)     # space before the comma
if (!id %in% IDs) { ...      # "!" hides against the parenthesis
expressionProfiles[, 1:3]    # "," hides against the bracket



There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.

Phil Karlton5

Specific naming conventions I like:

for (node in nodes) { ...



This may be controversial. The code block in an if (<condition>) {…} statement is evaluated if <condition> is TRUE. But what if we use a boolean variable in the condition? Should we write:

if (<boolean variable>) { ...


if (<boolean variable> == TRUE) { ...

It depends. Remember - the goal is to make your code as explicit and readable as possible. If our variable is e.g. a, then …

if (a) { ...

… is not good. Better write …

if (a == TRUE) { ...

… and treat this as any other condition that needs to be evaluated. However - if you have given this a meaningful variable name in the first place, something like …

if (recordIsValid) { ...

… is great, whereas …

if (recordIsValid == TRUE) { ...

… is something that feels oddly self-contradictory. So best practice here depends on context. Myself, I more often than not end up write if (something-something-that-is-boolean == TRUE) …, (and that’s not because I don’t understand how conditionals work).

Make the FALSE behaviour explicit. Always use an else at the end of a conditional to define what your code does if the condition is not TRUE. Otherwise your reader will wonder whether your code covers all cases. What if your code should do nothing in the FALSE case? Make that explicit:

if (a > b) {
  tmp <- b
  b <- a
  a <- tmp
} else {
  ;         # does nothing


Indent Style

No need for much discussion. Follow the One True Bracing Style and we will all be happy. That includes you yourself. If you don’t immediately see why: read about Indentation style here(W).10 (i) Opening brace on the same line as the function or control declaration; (ii) closing brace aligned with the declaration; (iii) braces mandatory, even if there is only one statement to execute. Sample:

if (length(x) > 1) {
  perm <- sample(x)
} else if (length(x) == 1) {
  perm <- x
} else  {
  perm <- NULL

Indentation of long function declarations

  • Use spaces to align repeating parts of code, so errors become easier to spot.



Pre-allocate your result objects to have the correct size if at all possible. Growing objects dynamically with c(), cbind(), or rbind() is much, much slower.

Use seq_along(), not length() to compute the range of index variables. If the object you are iterating over has length zero (i.e. it is NULL, like e.g. the result of a grep() operation if the pattern was not found) then using …

for (idx in 1:length(myVector)) { ...

… will result in an iteration range of 1:0 since length(NULL) is zero, and the loop will be executed twice even though it should not have been. The correct and safe way to iterate is …

for (idx in seq_along(myVector)) { ...

… which will not execute since seq_along(NULL) is NULL.




… sorts in increasing order, smallest first. But even though …

sort(x, decreasing = FALSE)

… does the same thing, the expression explicitly tells the reader what it is going to do. And that’s good.




If possible, do not grow data structures dynamically, but create the whole structure with “empty” values, then assign values to its elements. This is much faster.

 # This is really bad:
   N <- 100000
   v <- numeric()
   for (i in 1:N) {
       v <- c(v, sqrt(i))
    user  system elapsed
 16.718  11.258  27.988

 # Even only writing directly to new elements is much, much better:
   N <- 100000
   v <- numeric()
   for (i in 1:N) {
       v[i] <- sqrt(i)
   user  system elapsed
  0.025   0.003   0.027

# That's abaout as fast as doing the same thing with a vapply() function.

 # The fastest way is to preallocate memory, it actually comes close to the
 # vectorized operation:

   N <- 100000
   v <- numeric(N)
   for (i in seq_along(v)) {
       v[i] <- sqrt(i)
   user  system elapsed
  0.008   0.000   0.007

# Using a vectorized operation is the fastest approach overall and the
# method of choice:

system.time({ v <- sqrt(1:100000) })
   user  system elapsed
  0.001   0.001   0.002

Don’t buy into the “apply is good, for-loop is bad” nonsense that you might encounter on the Web. Especially not if you need speed: a well-written for-loop will outperform an apply() statement, which internally uses a for-loop anyway. The reason we often use apply() is because we are following a functional programming idiom, not because there is something magical and exalted about the apply() function. It’s usually a bit subtle which idiom is “better” at any given time. But apply() is NOT trivial for a python or C programmer, whereas anyone can read a for-loop. Moreover, you can explicitly assign and monitor intermediate statements, which is important when developing, validating, and debugging.


# [END]


Further Reading

Questions, comments

If in doubt, ask! If anything about this contents is not clear to you, do not proceed but ask for clarification. If you have ideas about how to make this material better, let’s hear them. We are aiming to compile a list of FAQs for all learning units, and your contributions will count towards your participation marks.

Join the conversation: [visit] the “Questions and Comments” page or [create/edit] the page.


Page ID: RPR-Coding_style

Boris Steipe ( <boris.steipe@utoronto.ca> )
Last modified:
Version History:
–  2022 Maintenance
–  1.3 Deprecate save()/load()
–  1.2 Some practical revisions
–  1.1.1 Maintenance
–  1.1 Add: Don’t change the global state; Avoid library()
–  1.0.1 Maintenance
–  1.0 Completed to first live version
–  0.1 Material collected from previous tutorial
Tagged with:
–  Unit
–  Live
–  Has R code examples
–  Has further reading



  1. I’m serious: I have reformatted major pieces of code more than once after learning of a better approach, and if that creates better code it is very satisfying.↩︎

  2. It is happening more and more frequently that functions in different packages we load have the same name. Then our code’s behaviour will depend on the order in which the libraries were loaded. Evil.↩︎

  3. Separating operators with spaces is especially important for the assignment operator <-. Consider this: myPreciousData < -2 returns a vector of TRUE and FALSE, depending on whether the values in myPreciousData are less than -2. But myPreciousData<-2 overwrites every single element with the number 2! I’m not even making this up - happened to a student in a workshop I taught.↩︎

  4. The = sign is a bit of a special case. When I write e.g. a plot statement, or construct a dataframe, I prefer not to use spaces if the expression ends up all on one line, but to use spaces when the arguments are on separate lines.↩︎

  5. Philip Lewis Karlton was an engineer with Netscape who was instrumental in shaping the early Internet. He sadly died in 1997. As is unusual for Internet quotes, it is corroborated that he actually said what is quoted here - though there are many misattributions, often to Donald Knuth. For a complementary perspective, see here.↩︎

  6. This is not a random opinion but based on that it’s easier to keep within the 80-character line limit. Also see the linked articles.↩︎

  7. In my opinion, base R uses far too many function names that would be useful for variables. But we’re not going to change that. So I often just prefix my variable names with my or this, eg myDf, thisLength etc.↩︎

  8. Here are more names that may seem attractive as variable names but that are in fact functions in the base R package and thus may cause confusion: all(), args(), attr(), beta(), body(), col(), date(), det(), diag(), diff(), dim(), dir(), dump(), eigen(), file(), files(), gamma(), kappa(), length(), list(), load(), log(), max(), mean(), min(), open(), q(), raw(), row(), sample(), seq(), sub(), summary(), table(), type(), url(), vector(), and version(). I’m sure you get the idea - composite names of the type proposed above in CamelCase are usually safe.↩︎

  9. “constants” - i.e. variables that are not supposed to change; R has no “constants” in the actual sense.↩︎

  10. If you noticed that this is the third time I am mentioning this, you have been paying attention. Redundant? Emphasis!↩︎