Eval Sessions

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The in-class quizzes will test your completion of the assignments for last week. They will be 20 to 30 minutes long and given in class. We will have twelve quizzes, one each week.

Typical questions will ask about your experiences while going through the assignments, and your basic understanding of concepts - what you where doing and why you were doing it. I try to make these questions easy for anyone who has completed the assignments with an active mind. It should be possible to get a perfect score on all of them.

There may also be questions on the concepts and methods, especially their computational aspects. You may be asked to give your opinion on possible improvements or generalizations and to think through some "problem solving" questions. It may be useful to discuss your understanding with your classmates in person or on the mailing list.

You are welcome and encouraged to submit quiz questions to me or to the course mailing list. I always consider these carefully and often include such questions (in slightly modified fashion). It is a chance for me to better understand your background and expectations, and for you to think about the material in a structured way.

Missed quizzes

You may miss up to two quizzes. For these, I will record the marks of the (lower) 25% quartile of your other quizzes. If you miss more than two quizzes and don't want to lose the marks, we will proceed in analogy to missed exams' regulations. You will need to petition to me with an acceptable reason and documentation (TBD case by case, contact me in advance) and we will need to schedule a make-up opportunity, typically an oral exam.