BIO Assignment 5 2011

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Assignment X - Topic

Please note: This assignment is currently inactive. Unannounced changes may be made at any time.  



Text ...

Preparation, submission and due date

Read carefully....

Prepare a Microsoft Word document with a title page that contains:

  • your full name
  • your Student ID
  • your e-mail address
  • the organism name you have been assigned (see below)

Follow the steps outlined below. You are encouraged to write your answers in short answer form or point form, like you would document an analysis in a laboratory notebook. However, you must

  • document what you have done,
  • note what Web sites and tools you have used,
  • paste important data sequences, alignments, information etc.

If you do not document the process of your work, we will deduct marks. Try to be concise, not wordy! Use your judgement: are you giving us enough information so we could exactly reproduce what you have done? If not, we will deduct marks. Avoid RTF and unnecessary formating. Do not paste screendumps. Keep the size of your submission below 1.5 MB.

Write your answers into separate paragraphs and give each its title. Save your document with a filename of: A3_family name.given name.doc (for example my first assignment would be named: A3_steipe.boris.doc - and don't switch the order of your given name and familyname please!)

Finally e-mail the document to [] before the due date.

Your document must not contain macros. Please turn off and/or remove all macros from your Word document; we will disable macros, since they pose a security risk.

With the number of students in the course, we have to economize on processing the assignments. Thus we will not accept assignments that are not prepared as described above. If you have technical difficulties, contact me.

The due date for the assignment is XXXXX at 10:00 in the morning.


Don't wait until the last day to find out there are problems! Assignments that are received past the due date will have one mark deducted at the first minute of every twelve hour period past the due date. Assignments received more than 5 days past the due date will not be assessed.

Marks are noted below in the section headings for of the tasks. A total of 10 marks will be awarded, if your assignment answers all of the questions. A total of 2 bonus marks (up to a maximum of 10 overall) can be awarded for particularily interesting findings, or insightful comments. A total of 2 marks can be subtracted for lack of form or for glaring errors. The marks you receive will

  • count directly towards your final marks at the end of term, for BCH441 (undergraduates), or
  • be divided by two for BCH1441 (graduates).




SUB section Heading (X marks)




  • Task




  • Task.




SUB section Heading (X marks)




  • Task




  • Task.


[End of assignment]

If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to mail me at or post your question to the Course Mailing List