CSB Assignment Week 4
Assignments for Week 3
Collaboration tools, initializing our project.
< Assignment 3 | Assignment 5 > |
Note! This assignment is currently inactive. Major and minor unannounced changes may be made at any time.
Assigned material - concepts, exercises and reading - will be reflected in next week's evaluation and feedback session. Please remember to contribute to self-evaluation questions by Tuesday at noon.
Warm up
Sometimes it is easy to identify gender with names, especially if the name is taken from a religious tradition. Abraham comes to mind, or Eve. So one day, in a schoolyard, Abraham is looking at Pat, and Pat is looking at Eve.
Can you (reasonably) know if a boy is looking at a girl? [I don't know... I mean I don't know the answer ...]
You're probably uncertain about Pat: Patrick? Patricia?
Hm. Do you need a hint... [Ok. A hint please...]
Does it matter?[Sorry. Of course it matters whether Pat is a girl or a boy - how could it not?]
If you think it matters, you're both right and wrong. You're right in the sense that it makes a difference. But you're wrong that it matters for the answer: if Pat is a girl, the boy Abraham looks at a girl. But if Pat is is a boy, then he is looking at the girl Eve. So the answer is: yes, you can reasonably know that a boy is looking at a girl. Often, you just need to enumerate all possibilities...
Now: why "reasonably"? Well, I can't exclude that some parents named their daughter Abraham, or that they were confused about Eve ... but hey, it's just a puzzle.
- That is all.
Footnotes and references
- Ask, if things don't work for you!
- If anything about the assignment is not clear to you, please ask on the mailing list. You can be certain that others will have had similar problems. Success comes from joining the conversation.
- Do consider how to ask your questions so that a meaningful answer is possible. the following two links:
- How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example on stackoverflow and ...
- How to make a great R reproducible example
- ... are required reading.
< Assignment 3 | Assignment 5 > |