CSB Assignment Week 1

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Assignments for Week 1

Exercises for this week relate to this week's lecture.
Pre-reading for this week will prepare next week's lecture.
Exercises and pre-reading will be topics on next week's quiz.


No exercises: instead - reading:

Westerhoff (2011) Systems biology left and right. Meth Enzymol 500:3-11. (pmid: 21943889)

PubMed ] [ DOI ] Systems biology has come of age. In most scientifically active countries, significant research programs are funded. Various scientific journals, standards, repositories, and Web sites are devoted to the topic. Systems biology has spun off new subdisciplines such as synthetic biology and systems medicine. There are training courses at the M.Sc. and Ph.D. level at various Universities. And various industries are engaging systems biology in their R&D. Systems biology has also developed numerous new methodologies. This chapter attempts to organize these methodologies from the perspectives of the unique aims of systems biology, and by comparing with one of its parents, molecular biology.



Bastos et al. (2011) Application of gene ontology to gene identification. Methods Mol Biol 760:141-57. (pmid: 21779995)

PubMed ] [ DOI ] Candidate gene identification deals with associating genes to underlying biological phenomena, such as diseases and specific disorders. It has been shown that classes of diseases with similar phenotypes are caused by functionally related genes. Currently, a fair amount of knowledge about the functional characterization can be found across several public databases; however, functional descriptors can be ambiguous, domain specific, and context dependent. In order to cope with these issues, the Gene Ontology (GO) project developed a bio-ontology of broad scope and wide applicability. Thus, the structured and controlled vocabulary of terms provided by the GO project describing the biological roles of gene products can be very helpful in candidate gene identification approaches. The method presented here uses GO annotation data in order to identify the most meaningful functional aspects occurring in a given set of related gene products. The method measures this meaningfulness by calculating an e-value based on the frequency of annotation of each GO term in the set of gene products versus the total frequency of annotation. Then after selecting a GO term related to the underlying biological phenomena being studied, the method uses semantic similarity to rank the given gene products that are annotated to the term. This enables the user to further narrow down the list of gene products and identify those that are more likely of interest.

Schriml et al. (2012) Disease Ontology: a backbone for disease semantic integration. Nucleic Acids Res 40:D940-6. (pmid: 22080554)

PubMed ] [ DOI ] The Disease Ontology (DO) database (http://disease-ontology.org) represents a comprehensive knowledge base of 8043 inherited, developmental and acquired human diseases (DO version 3, revision 2510). The DO web browser has been designed for speed, efficiency and robustness through the use of a graph database. Full-text contextual searching functionality using Lucene allows the querying of name, synonym, definition, DOID and cross-reference (xrefs) with complex Boolean search strings. The DO semantically integrates disease and medical vocabularies through extensive cross mapping and integration of MeSH, ICD, NCI's thesaurus, SNOMED CT and OMIM disease-specific terms and identifiers. The DO is utilized for disease annotation by major biomedical databases (e.g. Array Express, NIF, IEDB), as a standard representation of human disease in biomedical ontologies (e.g. IDO, Cell line ontology, NIFSTD ontology, Experimental Factor Ontology, Influenza Ontology), and as an ontological cross mappings resource between DO, MeSH and OMIM (e.g. GeneWiki). The DO project (http://diseaseontology.sf.net) has been incorporated into open source tools (e.g. Gene Answers, FunDO) to connect gene and disease biomedical data through the lens of human disease. The next iteration of the DO web browser will integrate DO's extended relations and logical definition representation along with these biomedical resource cross-mappings.