Lecture 01
Update Warning! This page has not been revised yet for the 2007 Fall term. Some of the slides may be reused, but please consider the page as a whole out of date as long as this warning appears here.
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Lecture Slides
Slide 001
Slide 002
Slide 003
Lecture 01, Slide 003
From its beginning, it was recognized that molecular biology is an information science, just as much as a molecular science. The abstractions and models that focus on the essence of this information, rather than on the details of its representation, have proven to be remarkably powerful in explaining the basic features of life, such as inheritance, self-organization and the process of evolution.
From its beginning, it was recognized that molecular biology is an information science, just as much as a molecular science. The abstractions and models that focus on the essence of this information, rather than on the details of its representation, have proven to be remarkably powerful in explaining the basic features of life, such as inheritance, self-organization and the process of evolution.
Slide 004
Lecture 01, Slide 004
The promises of genome analysis include harnessing the power of self assembly towards a bio-nanotechnologic revolution: growth, rather than manufacturing. This includes the vision of regenerative molecular medicine, essentially relegating disease to the dark past ages of ignorance. But while the information for a complete specification of life is undoubtedly present in the genome, life realizes itself in complex interactions between context-dependent components. This makes life essentially unpredictable, at least to our current approaches. The sheer volume of data is a comparatively minor obstacle.
The promises of genome analysis include harnessing the power of self assembly towards a bio-nanotechnologic revolution: growth, rather than manufacturing. This includes the vision of regenerative molecular medicine, essentially relegating disease to the dark past ages of ignorance. But while the information for a complete specification of life is undoubtedly present in the genome, life realizes itself in complex interactions between context-dependent components. This makes life essentially unpredictable, at least to our current approaches. The sheer volume of data is a comparatively minor obstacle.
Slide 005
Lecture 01, Slide 005
The current emphasis on -omic sciences creates novel challenges both in the quantity as well as the quality of scientific enquiry. The scale has become larger; molecular components are analyzed not in isolation but in their associations;comparison between genes within and across species is a major source of new insight and the absence of particular components and features is just as informative as their presence. However the availability technology should not lead to a purely methods-driven agenda.
The current emphasis on -omic sciences creates novel challenges both in the quantity as well as the quality of scientific enquiry. The scale has become larger; molecular components are analyzed not in isolation but in their associations;comparison between genes within and across species is a major source of new insight and the absence of particular components and features is just as informative as their presence. However the availability technology should not lead to a purely methods-driven agenda.
Slide 006
Lecture 01, Slide 006
The US National Center of Biotechnology Information is one of the world's major centres for molecular data.
The US National Center of Biotechnology Information is one of the world's major centres for molecular data.