RPR-Literate programming

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Literate Programming with R


Keywords:  (Draft) Literate programming principles; R Markdown; R Notebooks





Documentation of results using R markdown and R notebooks.


This unit ...




This unit will ...

  • ... introduce the philosophy behind "Literate Programming";
  • ... teach the practice with an example that uses the R knitr package;
  • ... demonstrate R notebooks;



After working through this unit you ...

  • ... can produce your own "Literate Programs" with knitr or in an R notebook.



  • Time management: Before you begin, estimate how long it will take you to complete this unit. Then, record in your course journal: the number of hours you estimated, the number of hours you worked on the unit, and the amount of time that passed between start and completion of this unit.
  • Journal: Document your progress in your Course Journal. Some tasks may ask you to include specific items in your journal. Don't overlook these.
  • Insights: If you find something particularly noteworthy about this unit, make a note in your insights! page.



Evaluation: NA

This unit is not evaluated for course marks.



Literate programming is an idea that software is best described in a natural language, focussing on the logic of the program, i.e. the why of code, not the what. The goal is to ensure that model, code, and documentation become a single unit, and that all this information is stored in one and only one location. The product should be consistent between its described goals and its implementation, seamless in capturing the process from start (data input) to end (visualization, interpretation), and reversible (between analysis, design and implementation).

In literate programming, narrative and computer code are kept in the same file. This source document is typically written in Markdown or LaTeX syntax and includes the programming code as well as text annotations, tables, formulas etc. The supporting software can weave human-readable documentation from this, or tangle executable code. Literate programming with both Markdown and LaTex is supported by R Studio and this makes the R Studio interface a useful development environment for this paradigm. While it is easy to edit source files with a different editor and process files in base R after loading the Sweave() and Stangle() functions or the knitr package. In our context here we will use R Studio because it conveniently integrates the functionality we need.

knitr is an R package for literate programming. It is integrated with R Studio.



Markdown is an extremely simple and informal way of structuring documents that is useful if for some reason you feel html is too complicated. That's really all it does: format documents in a simple way so they can be displayed as Web pages. For Markdown documentation, see here.. The concept is quite similar to Wiki markup syntax, the syntax is (regrettably) different, and for a number of features there there are (regrettably) several different ways to achieve the same results.

RMarkdown is an R package that is integrated with R Studio and allows integrating R code with Markdown documents. knitr can work with Markdown files, and this gives additional output options, such as PDF and MSWord documents.

Let's give it a try: we'll write and document an R function that will find us a random phobia to ponder on.



R Notebooks

R Notebooks take the concpet into the RStudio editor itself, rather than constructing a Webpage. On one hand, you become dependent on the RStudio editor, on the other hand, you directly edit and comment as you are developing. This is true "Lietarte Programming".

Read about the concept here and follow along with the exercise.



Further reading, links and resources








If in doubt, ask! If anything about this learning unit is not clear to you, do not proceed blindly but ask for clarification. Post your question on the course mailing list: others are likely to have similar problems. Or send an email to your instructor.


About ...

Boris Steipe (boris.steipe@utoronto.ca)







Version history:

  • 1.0 First live version
  • 0.1 First stub

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